Y/N vs Jade| Sage

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All of the students are currently fighting each other. One by one, students have been knocked out and have been forced to retire.

Tokyo Watchroom

Currently the teachers are watching the fight between Jade and Y/N.

Gojo: Man, she sure isn't letting up on Y/N.

Utahime hums in agreement.

Utahime: Yes, though she's always this merciless in a fight it seems she has a vendetta against this boy.

Mei: She's beating him like he owes her money, at least that's what I'd do.

Gojo: I've got to say, the girl is smart. She's keeping up the pressure, not giving any breathing room so that he can get his cursed tool back.

The two principals watch on in silence.

With Y/N and Jade

Y/N is sent sailing through the air once again as he tries defend another attack.

Y/N: 'Shit! She's not letting up for a second!'

Y/N lands in a harsh thud as his body rolls. Jade crosses her arms and kisses her teeth.

Jade: What the hell is this? I thought you'd put up more of a fight. Though I guess without that umbrella katana you aren't much of a threat.

The girl says shrugging her shoulders and walking towards the staggering boy.

Jade: So you ready to apologize now?

Y/N spits blood at her feet and glares harshly at Jade which stuns the girl. The boy slowly raises to his feet.

Y/N: You know... I haven't told you... my technique!

Suddenly, Y/N's body begins to emitt an overwhelming amount of cursed energy. Jade taken a back jumps back a few feet.

Jade: What the hell is this! What's your angle!

Y/N wipes his bloody nose with the back of his hand.

Y/N: My technique is called Curse Absorption. It allows me to absorb another person's cursed energy as long as I'm attacked by it, and combine it with my own.

Jade gasps as she realizes what the boy is saying.

Y/N: Though I recently just found out something else about my technique.

In a flash Y/N is above Jade with his right foot raised above her head. His heel comes crashing down, creating a huge crater.

As the dust clears, Jade is seen with her arms above her head

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As the dust clears, Jade is seen with her arms above her head. Her arms shaking and body littered with small cuts from the blast.

Y/N: If I understand how your technique works, I can use the cursed energy that you've attacked me with, and replicate your technique. Albeit a bit weaker than the original, so I make up for it by adding my own cursed energy to my attacks.

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