Girl of Steel Pt3

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Soon after Y/N exited the building a curse seemed to have jump out. It is then shown that Itadori punched through a cement wall, cut off the curse's arm, and saved the child that was held captive by the cursed spirit. Knowing it would be killed, the cursed decided to try and escape.

Itadori: It's getting away!

Nobara: No he's not! Itadori, give me that arm!

She says opening her jacket.

Itadori: Huh?

We now return back to where we started.

Y/N: Seriously? There's no way those two didn't kill that thing by now.

He says beginning to raise umbrella ready throw it again.

Fushiguro: I'll handle it-

Gojo: Hold on.

Fushiguro: Huh?

Y/N looks to the man with a raised eyebrow.

Back inside With Nobara and Itadori.

We now see that she pulled a straw doll from her jacket. She places the doll on top of the arm from the curse.

Kid: A straw doll??

Itadori: Creepy

She then moves above the arm with her hammer and nail in hand. She then imbues the nail with her cursed energy, and uses the hammer to strike the nail through the straw doll and onto the arm below it.

Nobara: Straw Doll Technique: Resonance

The curse outside now explodes finally lifting the curse off of the building

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The curse outside now explodes finally lifting the curse off of the building.

Gojo: Hm. Oh good. Alright she's also crazy.

Y/N: I could've sworn I said I wasn't crazy...

Fushiguro just deadpans at the boy. While Gojo ignores him completely.

Y/N: What?...

Small Timeskip
(Im not writing her flashback)

The rest of the students and child make their way out of the building. It seems that the two sorcerers of the group are a little ticked off. Why do you think that is?


Itadori: Yeah man we could've seriously gotten hurt back there!!

Y/N only looks at them for a brief second then to the kid beside them. He opts on ignoring them and walking up to the kid.

Y/N: Let's get you home shall we? We wouldn't want anyone to be worried.

He says with his hand out for the kid to take. The kid seems to gravitate towards him and takes hold of his hand.

Y/N : You're gonna have to show me where to go kid.

Kid: Oh, it's this way.

The kid begins walking in the direction of his home with Y/N walking beside him. It seems that Gojo and Fushiguro tagged along to be extra security.

Nobara: Did he blatantly ignore me???

She says shocked and fuming.

Itadori: Maybe we'll get our answer when he comes back.

He simply shrugs and move to sit on the stairs. Nobara soon follows after and waits for the group to return.

With Y/N and Company

The group stops at a corner and the kid points to the right. He lets go of Y/N's hand.

Kid: I live over there.

Y/N: Ok, get going before it gets too dark.

Kid: Ok, thanks again.

He says running down the street and towards his home.

Gojo: It's seems you have a soft spot for children.

He says smugly. Y/N merely shrugs his shoulders and nods in agreement.

Fushiguro: How come?

Y/N: I've always had a soft spot for kids. I've been told that kids just kinda gravitate towards me.

And with that begins walking back to the two country bumpkins.

Mini Timeskip

Y/N's group has now arrived back where they started.

Gojo: Hey there. We made sure the kid got home. Now how about we grab some food.

Itadori: A juicy steak!!

Nobara: Sushi!

Y/N: I'll take some curry.

Gojo: Just leave it all to me! Megumi, you in?

It is then shown that Fushiguro is scrolling through his phone ignoring everyone. Gojo walks up to him, looks at him then Fushiguro's phone then walks away with the three that answered him.

Gojo: Ok let's go.

The groups is then seen walking down the street and Nobara speaks up.

Nobara: Ohh, I forgot about my biggest haul of the day. Hey you, go fetch my things.

She says referring to Itadori.

Y/N: Oh shoot I've gotta go grab my things too.

Y/N mumbles to himself not wanting to grab Nobara's stuff.

Itadori: Huh why should I do that? I thought we were even now.

Nobara: We won thanks to my cursed energy. Got a problem with that?

Itadori: What about my raw strength??

Nobara: That freak strength you get from eating weird shit?

Itadori: It's not just from that!! Right Fushiguro? Huh?

Fushiguro just ignores him again.

Itadori: Fushiguro what's the matter?

Fushiguro: Nothing

Gojo: He's pouting because he didn't get to fight.

Nobara: Pfft. Poor little baby.

She says in a baby voice taunting him and Itadori laughs watching his reaction.

Nobara: Y/N you know you never gave me an answer.

Y/N merely sighs and pulls out his phone as he starts to explain.

Y/N: I had already dealt with the two with the same amount of cursed energy as the one you two fought on the ground floor and thought you two could handle the others. You cool with that Ms. Nobara?

He says hangry and wanting to sleep. Nobara turns her head up and looks away from the boy.

Nobara: It just sounds like you wanted to be lazy but I guess I understand.

Y/N damn near gets whip lash with how fast he snapped his head to her. Itadori chuckles and Fushiguro lets a smile slip.

Y/N: How dare you! I'm not lazy, it's not my fault it took you twenty minutes to deal with one curse while I dealt with two.

Y/N says smugly. Nobara does an over the top dramatic gasp at him. Nobara then goes on and on about how the curse took the little boy hostage before she could kill it.

Y/N: Mhm. Whatever you say Nobara.  Let's just get our stuff and go home.

With that comes the end of the day.

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