Girl of Steel Pt2

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Our story picks up with the group of five standing in front of an abandoned building.

Y/N: I told you two thunder fucks that it wouldn't be what you thought it was. Now you let this man take us to the slums.

Y/N says side eyeing the two country bumpkins groaning and complain about Gojo lying.

Fushiguro: There's a curse here.

The bumpkins: YOU LIAR!!!

Itadori: This isn't Roppongi!

Nobara: It's a cruel move to toy with country folk.

Y/N: Who's fault is it that you both believed him?

He says with a smug smirk on his face. Nobara snaps her head at him so fast, Y/N thought her bob would've went flying if it was a wig.

Nobara: You shut your ass up. I'm already upset Y/N don't make it worse.

She says pointing her finger at him with a glare. Y/N raises his hands and shakes them as if he's scared.

Y/N: Oh I'm sooo shaking in my boots.

Y/N says still smiling. Nobara is about to respond again but Gojo cuts her off.

Gojo: There's a big cemetery nearby. That plus an abandoned building, and you've got a curse.

During his little speech Nobara is ranting the entire time.

Itadori: So they pop up more often around graves?

Fushiguro: It's not the cemetery itself, it's the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear and uneasiness.

Itadori: Right it was the same for schools too wasn't it?

Y/N: Do you not know how curses work bro?

Y/N says with his eyebrows raised and arms crossed, judging the poor clueless boy.

Nobara: Wait hold up here, he didn't even know that yet?

Fushiguro: To be honest...

We then see a recap of how Itadori ate that nasty ass finger.


Itadori: That's not nice!

He says trying to defend himself.

Fushiguro: I agree with her.

Y/N: I'm lost for words. I mean it explains your cursed energy but like, you ate that nasty ass finger. I have so many questions. Like, was it cleaned before you ate it?

Itadori lightly sweat dropped

Itadori: Oh uh I don't think that's really important-

Fushiguro: It was sitting in a bunch of talisman for years, and had touched multiple people's hands as well as a curse's.

Y/N: And you... ate it.

Itadori nods as he looks away in embarrassment.

Y/N: Oh Itadori, that's not...

Y/N just pats the boys back. Gojo then returns everyone's attention to the building.

Gojo: I want to know what the three of you are capable of. Just think of this as a kind of field test. Nobara, Yuuji, Y/N , you three go exorcise that curse in the building.

Nobara: Ugh.

Y/N: Seriously? I want to take nap, not possibly fight for my life.

He says with an annoyed tone.

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