Curse Womb Must Die Pt3

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We are currently with Fushiguro running through the facility like a madman looking for Nobara and Y/N.

Fushiguro: Demon Dog

He calls his shikigami out and it begins leading him to exactly where Nobara and Y/N is. He and his shikigami sprint as he searches for the two.

Fushiguro: 'Wait for me Nobara, Y/N'

With Nobara

Nobara is currently in a predicament.

Nobara: You! I know your face now!

She is currently being held upside down by a fungi shaped curse.

Nobara: I swear I'm going to curse you!

The curse moves her over it's mouth ready to devour her when suddenly a purple tongue comes out and wraps around her waist pulling her from its grip. Then a huge white snake comes and bites that same curse that held Nobara. Three separate slashes then cuts the other curses making them disappear immediately.

Fushiguro: We're out of here now let's go!

Nobara: You know I really hate frogs.

She says with utmost disgust.

Fushiguro: Well that's too damn bad!

Y/N: Can we just leave please?! Save it for when we are finally out of here.

Tiny Timeskip

The group has finally made it out of the facility and Fushiguro has his demon dog howl to let Itadori now that they've made it out safely.

Y/N: You think he heard it?

Fushiguro: He had to have. No way he couldn't.

Y/N: Hm. Let's get Nobara to safety.

Fushiguro: You as well you aren't fit to fight anymore.

He says matter of factly. Y/N rolled his eyes.

Y/N: I'm fine, I know my limits and I'm no where near them. Now let's get Nobara to safety.

He says peeved at Fushiguro. Ijichi then comes up to the group and takes Nobara out of Fushiguro's hands.

Ijichi: I assume the mission was a failure. Where is Itadori?

Fushiguro: He's back holding off the special grade curse.

Ijichi: Alone?!

Y/N: He has Sukuna. Apparently he should have switched with him and is taking care of it.

Ijichi: I see. Come let's get Nobara out of here.

The group then walks to Ijichi's car and set Nobara in the backseat.

Fushiguro: We need to expand the evacuation area to 10 kilometers.

Ijichi: What about you two.

Y/N: We'll stay and wait for Itadori.

Fushiguro: Y/N I think you should really go too, you were fighting curses for a while in there.

Y/N: Fushiguro I'm not leaving. I don't like how everything is playing out. Something isn't sitting right with me.

The two have a brief stare off with neither one backing down. Fushiguro sighs and nods his head.

Ijichi: Understood. Alright let me get Kugisaki to the hospital, then I'll come back here for you two.

Fushiguro: No. You wouldn't be of that much use in this situation. To really help, you could have them send us a sorcerer who's grade 1 or higher. If one was around.

Y/N: Damn dude censor your tongue a bit.

Ijichi heaves a deep sigh.

Ijichi: I'll do my best. Later

Ijichi then drives off down the road.

Y/N: Yo Fushiguro I'm going to inspect the perimeter something is off, I feel it. You'll be fine on your own right?

Fushiguro: Yes I'll be fine. I'll be here when you get back.

Y/N: Right.

With that Y/N and Fushiguro separate, but was it the right decision in the end?

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