Curse Womb Must Die Pt1

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The gray sky gives a sense of melancholy. The atmosphere is one of dread. The first years are currently on a mission at a juvenile detention center. They are being debriefed by Ijichi.

Ijichi: Definitely a cursed womb, our window verified that about three hours ago. It's 90% percent evacuated. The decision was made to seal off the center. All citizens within a 500 meter radius has been evacuated as well.

It seems that the term "window" flew over Itadori's head.

Itadori: I uh have a question. What is this window?

Ijichi: Its an in house tarp. Where unique members of jujutsu high can see curses. But they aren't sorcerers.

Itadori: Oh ok.

Ijichi: Let's continue. Detainee block 2. Present five detainees are inside along with the curse. If the curse womb is the type that metamorphose, we predict it will become a special grade cursed spirit.

Y/N, Nobara, Fushiguro minds: 'Special Grade?!'

Itadori: Hey so, I still don't really understand what this special grade means.

Y/N: Oh brother.

Y/N says with a deadpan facial expression.

Ijichi: Alright allow me to explain it, idiot level.

After Ijichi's explanation
(I'm lazy leave me alone)

Itadori: That is bad.

He says distressed

Fushiguro: Normally a sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would handle this. And in this case that would've been Gojo.

Itadori: That figures. So where is Gojo then?

Fushiguro: Away on business. A guy like him has better things to do then loathe around a school in the first place.

Y/N: But this is insane. You mean to tell me the higher ups are sending in four first years into a possible special grade's domain?!

Y/N said show his distaste and aggravation with this entire situation.

Ijichi: Unfortunately we're often short handed in this business. You'll often have to take missions beyond your expertise. However, this current case is a urgent one and most abnormal, so no matter what don't fight and if you should encounter a special grade you run or you die.

Nobara and Itadori are taken aback by the last thing Ijichi said. While Fushiguro seems unfazed. Y/N however has a strong feeling something is at play here.

Ijichi: Please do not disregard your fears. And don't forget your entire mission here today is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors.

Suddenly a woman speaks out towards the group.

Woman: Excuse me sir, tell me, where's my son? Where's Tadashi? I need to know if Tadashi is all right.

Out of the group Itadori seems the most affected by this revelation.

Y/N: I'm going to have a closer look. I'll let you all know what I find.

With that, Y/N makes his way towards the entrance of the building.

Itadori: How come he always does that? He goes off on his own first.

Ijichi: That's just how he is.

Fushiguro and Itadori look at Ijichi confused.

Ijichi: Allow me to explain. Due to his own high amount of cursed energy he is extremely susceptible and sensitive to cursed energy. To avoid something bad happening, he's trained his detection skills and use of his cursed energy to a high level.

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