Curse Womb Must Die -II- Pt1

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The story picks up with Y/N surveying the detention center. That is until almost all of the cursed energy dissipates all at once, letting him know that the special grade curse is dead.

Y/N: Good. Now we just have to pick up Itadori and be on our way.

Y/N begins to walk back toward where he'd meet up with Fushiguro, only to see that he's engaged in a fight with, a shirtless Itadori? His stomach tightens and feels like it's being twisted.

Y/N: I knew this plan was gonna go to shit! Fushiguro!!

Y/N says taking off into a dead sprint towards the fight.

With Fushiguro

We see Fushiguro get his shit rocked by Sukuna. In that second he summons his snake shikigami.

Fushiguro: OROCHI!

The snake appears from his shadows and bites into Sukuna's body and drags him high up into the sky.

Fushiguro: GANG UP ON HIM, NOW!!

He commands his two shikigami. The bird and snake work in tandem and slams into each other to hurt Sukuna. After the fifth strike Sukuna manages to destroy the snake shikigami and escape the trap. When suddenly the curse is sent flying towards the earth. He lands with his knees bent in a small crater. He then looks up to see Y/N falling towards him with his sword brandished. Y/N makes contact with Sukuna's forearm. Y/N puts his entire weight into the stalemate while Sukuna raises an eyebrow at the boy.

Y/N: What are you still doing here?!

Sukuna lightly adds his own weight to the stalemate, causing Y/N to lose ground.

Y/N: Answer my question, why haven't you switched back with Itadori!

Y/N says with venom leaking from every word. He reinforces his blade and legs with cursed energy, now standing his ground.

Sukuna: The idiot ran into trouble switching back, so he won't be coming back for a little while.

Y/N's eyes widen in shock as he tightens his grip on his sword. More cursed energy pours into the blade as it slowly sinks into the curse's skin.

Sukuna: Your cursed energy reinforcement is pretty strong. Just not strong enough to beat me.

Sukuna knees the boy in his stomach, making him keel over then landing an upper cut. Y/N skids back, blocking with the umbrella and sheathes the blade then jumps to his feet.

Y/N: Switch back with Itadori!

He says with rage. Sukuna merely laughs at him.

Sukuna: Come make me you bra-

Y/N dashes forward and smacks the man so hard he lightly leaves the ground and slams into a tree. Y/N wastes no time and follows up with an overhead strike only for him to miss Sukuna. Sukuna punches Y/N in the face, which sends the boy tumbling.

Sukuna: What was that supposed to do?! Put more curse into your attacks!

Y/N blinks, slightly dazed and immediately jumps to his right as he sees Sukuna coming with another attack. Y/N grips the hilt of his sword. He then quickly unsheathes his sword and slices at Sukuna only for the curse to grab the blade. Sukuna smiles evilly as a dark shadow crosses over his face. In his state of shock Y/N is kicked in his ribs and sent flying again. As he is flying though he sends multiple slashes of cursed energy at Sukuna.

Y/N: Curse Absorption: Moonlight Shards!

 Y/N: Curse Absorption: Moonlight Shards!

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