Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event Group Battle 1

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Both school campus's groups are at there stations waiting for the exchange event to start. Then over loudspeakers, Gojo's voice rings true.

Gojo: We'll be starting the event in one minute! But before we begin let's hear a few words of well appreciated encouragement. From the always eloquent Utahime Iori!

Unfortunately Utahime completely fumbles the bag and says a whole lot of nothing. Gojo cuts her off

Gojo: Ok times up.

Utahime: Ugh, Gojo you jerk! I wasn't done!

Gojo: Now let the sister school exchange event... BEGINNNNNN!!

Everyone bursts into action. Y/N slips his weapon from around his shoulder and holds it close to his waist, ready to draw the blade at any time.

Itadori: Where do you think the curse spirit boss is?

Y/N: It was most likely released in the midpoint between the two groups. But it's probably moved around by now.

Maki: At the prearranged time, we'll all split into the Megumi squad and the Panda squad after that it's on you. Got it Yuji?

Itadori salutes at the girl.

Itadori: Got it!

As the group continues to follow Fushiguro's dog, a grade 4 cursed spirit appears in front of the group.

Panda: Just small fry.

Maki and Y/N both ready their weapon as they are about to strike, when Fushiguro screams from behind them.

Fushiguro: Stop running!

At that moment Y/N's stomach sinks briefly before a strong gust of wind and tree debris blow the curse away. Todo smiles as he sees the entire group together. The group stands ready for a fight.

Todo: Yeahhh, you're all together. Now come at me all at once!

Itadori is the first to move. He grabs Todo by the head and smashes his face into his knee. Everyone then splits off in two different directions. Panda, Nobara, and Inumaki all head to the right of Todo, while Maki, Fushiguro, and Y/N run to the left of him.

Fushiguro: I wonder why Todo was alone?

Maki: I'm not too sure, but we were right to give Yuji that job.

Y/N: Good thing we changed the plan huh.

Fushiguro: Hm hold on.

The three skid to a stop.

Y/N: What's up? Something wrong?

Fushiguro: It's odd. All the Kyoto students are sticking close together. They're heading for where we left Itadori. No way that's just a coincidence.

Maki: Aren't they just heading towards the curse spirit?

Fushiguro: No way. Unless that special grade is extremely cunning, demon dog would've sensed it.

Y/N gasps lightly, the two then look over to the boy. Y/N eyebrows are pinched in anger.

Y/N: You don't think, they're trying to kill Itadori do you?

Tense silence hangs in the air as the three come to the realization that someone could die, again.

Maki: It could be.

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