Boredom Pt2

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As the other to engage in a fight, the story continues with the verbal stalemate between the two parties.

Todo: Now answer me Fushiguro what kind of woman is your type?!

Fushiguro: What is this, a comedy act?

Nobara takes notice of the attire Mai has on.

Nobara: So what's with your outfit? That your summer uniform? Weird but it's not bad.

After Fushiguro thinks about his answer for a few seconds, he says

Fushiguro: I don't, really have a type. As long as one's character is unshakable there is nothing more I can ask for.

Nobara: That's not a bad answer. If you had said big boobs, I would've had to kill you.

Fushiguro: Shut up.

He says with a small tick mark forming.

The two first years look over to see Todo crying.

Todo: I knew it. You really are boring. Fushiguro.

Todo charges catches Fushiguro in a lariat hold and blows him backwards. Fushiguro however is skidding across the gravel.

Todo: I knew it as soon as I saw you. I could tell that you'd turn out to be boring. But then you should never judge a person by their looks isn't that right? So I went out my way to ask you the question, but you just trampled on my kindness.

He says walking towards the Fushiguro and crying, wiping his tears.

Fushiguro: Your head looks like a pineapple, and your as about as smart as one too. I heard that you don't use cursed techniques.

Todo: Ah? Oh no that rumor's false. I did against the special grade.

Fushiguro: GOOD TO KNOW!

Fushiguro: Nue plus Gamma.

Fushiguro makes the hand sign for Nue and his frog Gamma.

Fushiguro: Bottomless Well

In the blink of an eye Todo is behind Fushiguro and lifting him off the ground

Todo: Your flimsy and shallow. Both your body and your taste in women!

Todo bends all the way back and slams Fushiguro head first onto the ground. He then jumps into the air and punches the ground where Fushiguro was, only to see that the first year dodged. He then unleashes a barrage of attacks on the first year. Fushiguro tries to block but it only ends up with him getting hit. He then grabs his face and rams his head into a wooden pillar. He plants his feet in the ground to make sure he doesn't move.

Todo: I'm not finished with you!

Todo then throws Fushiguro through the wooden planks.

Todo: You're always just, SO BORING!

Todo goes to punch Fushiguro but purple tongues wrap around Todo's arms and leg. He then easily breaks out of their hold and breaks their tongues.

Todo: Are you even trying to fight?

Fushiguro: You're acting so proud but I've been holding back. Fine then if you insist... then I'll show you.

The air shifts as it did back when the first years fought Sukuna. Todo laughs and goes to attack the first year again when suddenly

Inumaki: Don't move!

Todo suddenly freezes. Then from the air comes Panda.

Panda: What the hell are you two doing!

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