Black Flash

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The group of five is currently running through a hallway. They are running from an onslaught of tree roots. Inumaki drinks some medicine for his throat.

Fushiguro: That was a close one! Are you alright?

Inumaki: Salmon

Jade: Incoming!

Both she and Noritoshi turn around and prepare an attack. The curse throws wooden balls of roots at the group but Inumaki immediately interrupts the attack.

Inumaki: Stop it!

The attack stops midair and freezes the curse. Jade and Noritoshi take the chance to fire their attacks. Noritoshi clasps his hands while Jade lifts her leg for a kick.

Noritoshi: Convergence! Piercing Blood!

Jade: Wind Fallen!

From Noritoshi's hand comes a pressurized stream of blood that knocks the curse's head back, chipping its head. Jade kicks the air sending a wide arc of cursed energy, which only manages to move the curse back a few centimeters and destroy some of the roots from the last attack. The other three look on shocked at what just transpired. Jade turns and books it up the stairs with Noritoshi following.

Noritoshi: Hurry! Those wounds'll heal quickly!

The five run through a corridor trying to put distance between them and the curse.

Y/N: 'This tactic of hit-and-run attacks can only hold the curse off for so long! If it figures out how to deal with Inumaki's cursed speech, we're done for.'

The five continue to run until they reach a door to a balcony, they all jump off one right after another onto another building's roof. The group puts more distance between them and where they left off, but then roots sprout from the door and the curse walks out. Fushiguro beckons his shikigami to his side.

Fushiguro: Inumaki will stop it for you! Attack now!

Nue blitzes at the curse and before Inumaki gets a chance to activate his cursed technique, the cursed spirit pierces through the shikigami with its bare hand. Everyone turns to look at Inumaki throwing up blood. The curse takes the opportunity to immediately punch Noritoshi onto the roof, sending the boy flying. The curse follows up by throwing three spheres of wood to pierce him but Fushiguro catches the boy in time.

Jade: Got damn it!!

Jade tries to stagger the curse by sending arcs of her cursed energy at it, but it simply dodges her attacks.

Y/N: Jade fall back, you'll run out of cursed energy soon if you keep that up!

Y/N's stomach is in absolute shambles. All of the different cursed energies around him damn near sending the boy reeling.

Jade: You got any better ideas?!

She says with frustration. As Y/N is about to respond Inumaki puts his hand on his shoulder.

Inumaki: Mustard Leaf

He then walks in front of the group

Fushiguro: Don't, Inumaki! It's way too strong!

Inumaki and the curse both close the gap between them, and then the boy finally attacks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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