After Rain Pt1

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The story continues with Y/N trying to haul ass to the training grounds.

Y/N: 'Ohh shit. If I'm late again, Maki's gonna kick my ass.'

Y/N continues to run towards the field. When he gets there he sees Nobara flying through the air and landing hard. He then sees Maki and Fushiguro talking off to the side.

Y/N: Yo, *huff* I made *huff* it.

Maki: You're late, as usual.

Y/N: Sorry I was with Ijichi. So if anything, blame him.

Maki shakes her head at the excuse while Fushiguro shrugs his shoulders. He looks down at Y/N's hands and notices that he doesn't have his umbrella.

Fushiguro: Where's you weapon?

Y/N: I was actually hoping to get some hand-to-hand combat training today. Not that I'm bad at it, I've just noticed that I rely heavily on my umbrella.

Fushiguro nods as Maki turns her head to see Panda fling Nobara into the air once again.

Maki: Panda! Get over here!

Panda looks over towards the group and leaves Nobara on the ground with Toge checking on the girl.

Panda: Hey, what's up Maki?

He walks over with a cheery attitude and Maki looks at him with her same cold expression.

Maki: I want you to train with Y/N. Show em some of those moves you got.

Panda: Ooohh ok then let's get to it. Cmon.

Panda then picks Y/N up like a sack of potatoes and throws him over his shoulder. Y/N waves at the two as Panda walks them towards the middle of the grass area. Panda then lightly tosses the boy who panda on his feet.

Panda: Alright first things first what kind of fighting style do you use?

Y/N: Uh. Whatever feels right in the moment?

Y/N shrugs his shoulders as Panda sighs.

Panda: If you had to guess, what kind of fighter should you say you are. Me personally I'm more of a boxer type. Though I throw in a grapple or two.

Y/N: Ohh. Well I took a lot of Tai Chi lessons growing up. But I kind of dropped that once I started learning to use my katana.

Panda: Alright. Now when you regularly fight, do you reinforce your katana or are you just imbuing it with cursed energy

Y/N: Reinforcing.

Panda: Alright then let's get started.

Panda then reinforces his hands with cursed energy and holds them up, with his palms facing Y/N.

Panda: As you can see I'm doing a simple reinforcement on my hands. I'd say this is about 15% for me. What I want you to do is match my output and hit my hand full force.

Y/N raises an eyebrow at Panda and he just nods his head. Y/N follows his instructions and palm strikes Panda's palm only to feel a chill go down his spine and his hand begins to hurt.

Y/N: Holy hell Panda! That hurt like a bitch!

Y/N screams as he shakes his hand while pacing. Panda chuckles

Panda: I see why Maki wants me to train you. You have good control but your output is pretty bad, most likely due to the nature of you curse technique.

Y/N nods.

Panda: Ok here's what we'll do. You will reinforce your fists while I will reinforce mine. Then you'll hit my hands like before in order to build up power and resistance to pain. I'll up my output gradually and you'll have to do the same in order to not get hurt. But don't think I'll just let myself be a punching bag. Got it?

Y/N: Yeah I got it. Let's do it!

Y/N readies himself as Panda ups the output of his own cursed and charges at the boy.


The sun slowly sets as the two finish off training for the day. Maki calls the two over.

Maki: Panda, Y/N come on over and take a break.

Y/N breaths a sigh of relief and does as he's told. He walks over to the group and immediately falls onto his front side.

Y/N: *wheeze* Water. *wheeze* I need *wheeze* water.

Maki spares the boy a glance and looks away. Panda being the nice senpai that he is, gives Y/N some water to drink. Y/N gulps it all down in one go.

Maki: It looks like things are going good for you.

Nobara: Yeah if you call getting smack around going good.

Y/N lifts his hand and lightly pinches Nobara's leg as Panda speaks.

Y/N: Were you not getting tossed like a sack flour not too long ago?

Nobara snaps her head at the boy.

Nobara: We're not talking about me right now.

She says squinting her eyes at the boy. The two then begin a back and forth as Panda responds to Maki.

Panda: He's making progress yeah but he's gonna need to spar with you soon.

Y/N snaps his head at Panda and pales. Nobara cackles at the boys face.

Y/N: I don't wanna fight Maki, she's scary!

Maki smacks the boy on the back of his head, and Nobara cackles harder.

Maki: I see what you mean. It needs to be a real fight and not a lite spar like you're doing.

Y/N looks at Panda and shakes his head. Panda nods at her ignoring the boy.

Maki: All right fine. I'll fight with you everyday until you can land a hit on me.

Y/N: Ok. Not like I have much of a choice.

Y/N grumbles under his breath about how he's gonna get Panda back for this.

Maki: Don't mention it, now go shower you stink.

She says with a deadpan face.

Y/N: Actually I was gonna stay a little longer and train with Panda a bit more.

Maki gains a tick mark on her forehead.

Maki: Well if you wanna fight so badly, I'll gladly give you your first beating!

She says sadistically.

Y/N: Nope. Nevermind. I'm good. I'll be going now see you tomorrow.

Y/N then runs off towards to dormitories.

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