Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event Group Battle 0

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The day has finally arrived. The day of the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event. The first and second years are all gathered at the entrance of the school, aside from Nobara.

Y/N: What do you think is taking Nobara so long?

The boy says looking at Panda, who is now his favorite second year. Panda shrugs his shoulders and is about to respond before the group hears the sound of a suitcase being rolled on the ground. The collective group looks over and sees Nobara with a small pink suitcase and bag.

Nobara: Hey, why are you guys all empty handed?!

She says with shock evident in her voice. The group looks at the poor girl with confusion. Y/N covers his mouth to keep from laughing.

Panda: Where do you think you're going with all that luggage.

Nobara: Wait a sec, aren't we all traveling today? For the exchange event with our sister school in Kyoto?

Y/N: You do know that our school won the last exchange event right?

Y/N says with a small smirk and a head tilt. Nobara raises her eyebrow at the boy.

Nobara: Meaning?

Panda: Yes it's an exchange event with our sister school in Kyoto, here in Tokyo.

He says holding up a small greeting sign. Nobara completely flips her shit and goes on a rant. Y/N chuckles at the girl's misery.

Maki: That explains why she hasn't been making any sense lately.

Fushiguro: No doubt.

Y/N: When does she ever make sense?

Inumaki: Salmon

Panda: Like Y/N was hinting at, the previous year's winners always host it.

Nobara rushes over and grabs Panda by the collar of his fur.

Nobara: So why'd you have to go and win it?!!

Panda: It wasn't us! We weren't even in it last year. They just put in Yuta so the numbers would match up!

Maki: Yeah cause that was before Rika got freed.  Apparently it was an overwhelming win, but I didn't get to see it since it was held in Kyoto.

Y/N leans over and whispers to Fushiguro.

Y/N: He's one of the special grade guys right?

Fushiguro nods his head and turns back to Nobara screaming about how she'll never forgive Yuta. The hairs on Y/N's neck pricks up and his stomach turns as he looks to his right.

Y/N: Look alive everyone, competition's here.

The first and second years then turn to see the group of Kyoto students walking up the stairs.

Mai: Oh damn. The whole Tokyo crowd all together huh? You actually came to greet us? So amateur.

She says with a sweet condescending smile plastered on her face. Y/N's hands itches as he folds his arms in front of his body. Tension bubbles between the two groups as they stare each other down.

Todo: I don't see Okkotsu though.

Nobara: Oh shut your mouth already and hand over the cake box, and the yatsuhashi, noodles and cookies.

Jade: Didn't bring any of that, sorry girly.

She says with indifference. Nobara silently seethes.

Nishimiya: Whoa who's that first year, bad ass.

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