Chapter 1

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"Did I give you permission to fucking speak?"

"Move it, mudblood!" He scowled from being me and violently shoved me aside before storming quickly past me.
"Leave! It's not like you belong here anyway." He viciously snarled. Eyes blazing with anger and frustration at the very sight of me.
"How dare you talk to me like that, you filthy little mudblood!" He hissed through his teeth. His facial expression nor body language showing any sign of remorse.
"Typical behaviour for a fucking mudblood." He says, rolling his eyes.

This is the voice belonging to Draco Malfoy and something I have been consistently hearing for the last five years.

Once he discovered my blood status, that was it. It begun. Constant abuse, name calling and harassment whenever we crossed paths which was a lot because we share the same house and attend multiple of the same classes together.

Ever since then it has continued into the next year and the year after that and the year after that. It's quite exhausting and I wonder if he will ever become bored and just move on. Bullying is something that children do and we are definitely not children anymore.

I refuse to believe that this is all because I am a half-blood. It's so immature.

He has went great lengths to show he doesn't like me one bit and I am not welcome in the Slytherin house. Not that I care too much, I have made wonderful friends outside of the Slytherin house. I don't want any Slytherin friends anyway. They aren't polite at all, well at least not to me.

My best friend is Hermione Granger. She is a muggle-born and in Gryffindor house. We have known each other for over ten years as our parents are good friends and live near by back home. She is so lovely and kind to me. We study together in the library a lot and she does an amazing job at pestering me to get my homework done.

It was through her I also met my other two good friends Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Yes, THE Harry Potter! I have learned so much from them and adore their company. It's unfortunate that I can't see them all more often because we have such a lovely time together.

Instead, they go to the Gryffindor common room and I retire to the dungeons. I have attended a few Gryffindor parties, so I know what the common room looks like and how friendly the people are there. They really know how to throw a party.

I would much prefer to be there than the hear the irritating voice of the bleached ferret, calling after me and insulting me for no reason. He's always been like this, so it doesn't surprise me anymore. He's always made fun and tormented me.

However, as of now, as I am currently sat in my first lesson on the first day of sixth year, he has done nothing, but stare at me since I sat down. This is unusual because normally he pretends I'm not there and whenever he does it is to say something rather spiteful.

My hand glides over my piece of parchment, writing down everything I am required to while I try to pick up all that is being said by our Professor. It is starting to be more difficult for me as it becomes very apparent that he is looking at me. 

The blonde wizard is sat only a desk in front of me to my left, alongside Blaise Zabini. He is continuously taking his eyes of our Professor to look back at me.

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