Chapter 21

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"You're a mysterious girl. I like that."

When I entered the Great Hall at ten minutes to eight, I catch the gleaming smile of Cedric sitting at the Hufflepuff table with his friends. I smile and wave back before making my way to the Gryffindor table. There I see Harry and Luna sat down talking as I approach.

"Hello, y/n!" Luna greets me politely.

"Hey guys, how was your weekend?" I ask and take a seat opposite them.

"Adequate really. What about you?" Harry muttered before taking a bite out of his toast.

"My Sunday wasn't the funniest. I wasn't well and still am not one hundred percent." I say and start stacking my plate with full English breakfast items.

"That's a shame. Have you taken anything for it? I have some great herbal remedies I can recommend if you are interested." Luna offered me and rooted through her bag to find whatever she was suggesting.

"I haven't, but I don't think it's anything serious. Just a common cold." I reassure her, but it doesn't deter her from passing me a small capsule with a some particular green leaves inside.

"Take one. Dissolve it in a glass of clear water and drink it. Do the same with an another in six hours and you should feel a lot better." She ensures and I trust her. She isn't in Ravenclaw for nothing. "My dad wrote a review on them in the Quibbler this summer and he says they work spectacularly."

"Thank you, Luna." I show an appreciative smile and unscrew the capsule. I pour myself some water from the picture that was sitting in the middle of the table and drop a leaf into my goblet.

We chat all through breakfast and sure enough half way through we are accompanied by Hermione and Ron. Together, the five of us talk about our plans to visit Hogsmeade in the Winter once we are permitted to. This was an anticipating time for us all as we have so much fun there. It opened up so many more things to do during our weekends.

My favourite place was Honeydukes. It had such a wild variety of sweets and treats to enjoy. I have a strong hunch it's also Ron's favourite place too. Although, even just walking around in Hogsmeade, I find is beautiful. When the whole town is coated in a layer of thick glistening snow makes me excited for the Christmas holiday.

"Do you remember last year when I threw a snowball at you, Hermione, and it caused a huge snowball fight to break out between all of us." Ron leaned back in his seat an laughed.

"Vividly." She seethed through her teeth.

We all chucked at her reaction and the recollection of that moment. Many students had decided to wander down to Hogsmeade one weekend last year including our little group. We were heading to The Three Broomsticks to enjoy a pint of butter-beer when a snowball was launched at Hermione. When she turned around to see who had chucked it at her. Her eyes locked on Ron who looked unmistakably guilt. She bent down and cupped some snow of her own in her hands and threw once back; only Ron was smart enough to duck behind a tree and it hit Harry instead. This inflicted a snowball fight to emerge between the five of us.

By the time it was over we were all so exhausted and hot lying in the snow completely defeated. Eventually, we made our way to the Three Broom Sticks to chat and relax after the intense snowball fight. I can only hope we have more memorable days like that this year.

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