Chapter 19

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"Leave her. We can go elsewhere."

"Have you been listening to anything I have been saying?" Hermione questions firmly. It is only then I realise I had drifted off into my own little world. Thoughts about Draco had completely consumed me and prevented me from concentrating on my studies.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment." I apologise and take a few sips from my water bottle to try and collect myself.

"Is everything alright? Do you want to talk about it?" She asks concerned.

Letting out a deep breath before a respond. "It's nothing serious, just a little boy trouble." I admit and close my Potions book, preparing for the long girly chat we are about to have.

"Is this about Cedric?" She assumes and I nod. Debating in my head whether or not to tell her about Draco also. Despite the fact, that most Gryffindor's dislike him due to him being rude and hateful towards most of them. Giving Harry and his friends an especially hard time. I decide to just see where the conversation takes us and go from there.

"Look y/n, I think there is nothing you need worry about. I'm sure he is not busy entertaining anyone else. He seems like the type of person to only focus on the one person he really cares about. After all, that boy's smile when he is with you is like a child's on Christmas Day." She discloses to me.

Her words warm, yet hurt my heart all the same. I really need to make it up to Cedric because I think this could possibly go somewhere.

"Thank you. I really appreciate that." I smile and she returns the expression. "I know I have a bad habit of overthinking things so it's comforting to know I always have you to chase away the silly thoughts crowding head."

"Think nothing of it. I'm more than happy to help." She replies. Her hands outstretch and she leans forward on he knees to embrace me into a hug. My arms wrap themselves around her waist while hers are around my neck.

The warm embrace didn't last long. When she pulled back from me, she flashed me a puzzled frown. "Y/n, what are those bruises on your neck? They were not there at breakfast." Hermione enquired. Her head tilted slightly to the left as she examined with her eyes the dark marks Draco had left on my skin.

My reflexes kick in and I automatically cover them with my hand. Embarrassment flourishing over my reddened cheeks. There is no excuse that can get me out from answering this one.

Gulping anxiously, I stumble over my words when I really ought to take a moment to breathe and think about what I want to say. "Oh, well..." I swallow thickly before sighing. "Okay. Do you promise you won't say anything to anyone?"

"Yes, absolutely. Is everything okay?" She promises. Curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"They are... um, hickeys." I spill reluctantly.

She blinks dumbfounded for a moment before she cracks an amused smirk. "Oh? I must say, y/n, I never thought of you as the public display of affection type." She let's out a hearty laugh. "Who the lucky guy? What am I talking about? Of course it is Cedric. I watched him chase after you earlier. Tell me everything." She slams the book resting in her lap shut and keeps eye contact with me.

"Oh, umm, well, he is very much a passionate boy. All our kisses are so intense and desirable. His lips are so very soft too." I smile bashfully just thinking about the kisses Draco and I have shared.

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