Chapter 2

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"Keep your voice down!"

"What are you playing at, Malfoy?" I demanded, trying to avoid acknowledging the embarrassment I felt worming it's way through my stomach when he pulled back smirking wickedly.

"Nothing that you don't seem to enjoy." He raised his eyebrows cockily. He's such an egotistical nuisance.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I frowned, looking away from him. Slightly annoyed that he brought up me blushing. I needed to avoid those eyes. His earnest staring makes me unable to look away at times, like it captures me in a slight trance.

"Oh, yeah?" He questioned and used his index finger to lift my chin back up to meet his eyes. His smirk widening by the minute. It was clear he was enjoying this.

"Well, as fun as this was, I also have got a class to get too and thanks to you, I'll be several minutes late." He let out an irritated day sigh after.

"What? Me? You where the one wh—" I furiously defended.

"Ah-ah. What did I say before? Be a good girl and stay quiet for me." He cut me off by grabbing my face with one hand and pulling me so close we were breathing the same air. "Understood?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at him. Merlin, the audacity this boy has. Blaming me for HIS doings.

His head drew closer and for a split second I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he wrapped his hand around my throat and pinned his forehead against mine, stating clearly and confidently. "Roll your eyes at me again and you'll be doing out of pleasure instead."

I blinked, absolutely dumbfounded. I would assume he is joking, if it wasn't for his smooth and collected expression. I don't think his eyes have left mine, other than to flicker between them and my lips. What was going on with him? This is not the Draco Malfoy I knew.

Gradually, he released me and took a step back, never breaking eye contact. He raised his eyebrows at me, assuring me he was serious. I just stared back, completely speechless. Unable to speak or think about anything other than what he had just said.

Finally, he took off back down the corridor in the way we had came, his cloak waving gracefully behind him. This meant he had intentionally went out of his way to follow me. He disappeared around the corner and I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding in.

My mind was a blur. I was completely astounded by his words. He hated me and now he's talking about pleasuring me. What drugs is he on?

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts. I needed to get to Charms class. I was late enough after that previous encounter.

With only one thing on my mind, I made my way to Charms class. Thankfully, it wasn't far. I would have to come up with an excuse of why I was late on the way there. Hermione was bound to be full of questions.

Everyone's heads turn around to look at me when I dashed into the Charms class, late of course due to my inconvenient few minutes with Malfoy.

My chest is heavy after running down three corridors and one staircase to get here as quick as I could. "I... I'm sorry, I'm late, Professor." I pant heavily, standing in the doorway with all eyes on me.

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