Chapter 11

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"Funny. I don't remember you looking this beautiful last year."

The next morning rolled around and I groaned into my pillow as yesterday's evening events flooded my mind. Reluctantly and with great effort, I climbed out of bed and begun to get ready for today.

The warm water from the shower drenched my tensed body while I lathered soap all over myself. I applied two loads of shampoo to my hair, washed it out before smoothing conditioner on the ponytail part of my hair.

Relishing in the hot steam when I tilted my head back, allowing everything to be washed away. I wish I could stay in here forever. Showers, for me, where a great time to think and organise my thoughts. However, all my mind could possibly think of is what happened last night in that detention, no matter how many times I try to block it out.

When I exited the shower, I wrapped a warm soft towel around my figure as I examined myself in the condensation covered mirror. I smile to myself as I drew a heart on it. I'm such a child.

Once dry, I go through with my usual skincare routine, applying some subtle makeup and dress. I threw my last item of clothing on, my robe before leaving.

I snuck out of the Slytherin common room and found Cedric waiting for me outside. Oh God, I had forgotten he wanted to walk me to our first class.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" Cedric beamed when he saw me and took my hand in his. Like a true gentleman, he brought my hand to his lips and pressed a light kiss on the back of my hand.

"Good, thank you." I lie and squeeze a smile.

"How are you able to look so beautiful at twenty minutes past eight in the morning?" He complimented and I mouthed an appreciative 'thank you'. Ordinarily, that sweet comment would have made me blush and bashfully smile uncontrollably for the next twelve minutes, but after last night, it just made me anxious.

We made our way to History of Magic. One of life's most painfully boring things a person can endure.

During our short journey, I repeatedly looked behind us, checking if Draco was around. He takes this class with us, so he's bound to appear sooner rather than later. I would prefer sooner. The arising emotional strain I was experiencing had me on edge for the entire walk.

Cedric noticed my nervousness and questioned me if I felt alright. I assured him I was okay, but I didn't feel it. I knew that Cedric expected me to sit with him in this lesson, but I was afraid what would happen if I did. Draco is definitely going to attend and I don't want to cause any more trouble. Therefore, I'm going to have to come up with some sort of excuse.

I hate having to lie to him. I hate lying at all, but in these circumstances, it was for the best. I really didn't want to piss Draco off like I did last night again.

Arriving to our lesson had my heartbeat hammering inside my chest at the thought of the awaiting events. We walked inside and I swallow past the tightest of my throat. Silently praying that we beat Draco here first.

"Y/n, did you hear what I said?" Cedric's voice brought me back to reality.

"No. I'm sorry. I was just looking where to sit." I lie again. Merlin, I loathe myself today and it's only half past eight in the morning.

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