Chapter 20

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"Let's send him a little message then, shall we?"

"What is going on with you, y/n?" He finally spoke in a deep and solemn voice.

His body was tense. His hands were balled up into fists that hung rigid by his sides. This was an entirely different boy that I was used to. The words that spilled from his mouth imposed for the truth in a pressuring tone that made me gulp anxiously.

"Cedric." I breathed out. Unsure if I was feeling guilt or relief at the sight of him.

A gasp of shock passed through my lips when his hands found my waist with a rough squeeze. Quickly, he backed me against a wall. His hardened eyes never leaving my own. My breath hitched at the back of my throat when my back collided against the cool stone. I licked my lips nervously and attempted to break the inescapable eye contact. These eyes staring through me were not the normal ones belonging to Cedric Diggory.

"Would you care to explain yourself?" He questioned harshly.

"Cedric, I'm sorry." I apologised and I meant it. Sincerely, I was sorry. Cedric didn't deserve the things I had made him experience lately.

"That's it? I didn't say I wanted an apology, y/n, I said explain yourself." He scoffed. His eyebrows knotted together making his usually soft features morph into an intimidating expression.

My lips parted to take in a deep breath and think about what I wanted to say. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Cedric, and I'm sorry I did. I'm just a little confused about my own feelings right now and I need time to organise my thoughts."

His eyes darted between each one of my own with a hard stare, trying to spot any impression that I was lying. This was the first time I had felt intimated by him and I didn't like it.

"Y/n, the last thing I wanted was for you to feel pressured or rushed by anything. It doesn't have to be like that if you would just give me a chance." Cedric's eyes softened as he spoke. "I don't approve of the actions you resorted to and your reasoning does not excuse them, but I appreciate your honesty." He continued in a mild tone.

"I know. They were silly and I won't let it happen again." I said and reached my hand to hold his, as a reassuring gesture.

"Good because I'm serious when I say I like you, y/n, but I'm not here to be messed around." He says as a warning.

Our eyes remain interlinked within one and other's. His gaze was sincere. Letting me know that there was truth in every one of his words.

His hand came up to tuck a small strand of hair behind my ear. The immense tension that was previously surrounding us had vanished and what was left was simple admiration. His body language speaking more sense than his actual words could.

"I should have just talked to you about everything." I admitted and closed my eyes briefly for a moment.

"Yes, you should have. Next time something like this is on your mind, tell me. I don't bite." He insisted. He was just trying to look out for me and I knew it.

"I will. Thank you for being so understanding, Cedric." I promised him and I intend to keep that promise.

"Good. Now, will you let me do something I think you will like?" He finally cracked a smile.

"Yes." I said and gave a small nod.

As soon as the word left my mouth, Cedric embraced me closely, dragging my body closer to his. The look in his eyes told he was anticipating that moment for a while. His head ducked down to crash his lips onto mine.

My hand sneaked up behind his head to deepen our kiss and interlock my fingers between his strands of hair. He was gentle with me to start, but it quickly became intense after a few seconds. His tongue forced its way into my mouth making me moan against his lips.

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