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I literally hate the author's notes at the beginning of a chapter, but I need to let all the readers know.

*Pauses dramatically*

Keefe has an inner fanboy.

That I created, but it still counts.

Keefe sighed as he stepped into the Mysterium library. This time, he wasn't here to solve some crazy mystery, not that he got any information about it last time.

Fitz was right next to him, so it was nice that he didn't come alone.

Keefe walked over to the librarians desk and handed over the card he had gotten last time. The librarian looked up from her work and watched him from under her glasses.

Wait, she didn't have glasses last time...

"Hi Lady Lindra." Keefe said.

She opened her mouth, probably to ask how he knew her name, and then closed it. Recognition sparked in her eyes.

"I know you.." She said, pushing her glasses up her face.

"You do. I came here not so long ago?"

"Ah, yes. Security boy."


"You told me what you would do if everyone knew your name. I think it had to do with 3 locks, the chicken dance, and blue plastic hairbrushes?"

"Oh, right. I remember. Did you actually do that?"

"Your system worked perfectly. I might ask you to write a book about security systems for houses."

"Nah, I'm good. And also, did you get glasses? I feel like last time I was here, you glared at me from across the room for talking."

She made a 'Haha-loser-I'm-so-much-better-than-you' face and sniffed self importantly. "They make me look like a librarian,"

"Of course." Keefe said. He did not want to get on this lady's bad side.

Fitz walked up next to Keefe from where he was standing in the back and plopped the poster boards he was holding on the ground so they were leaning against the desk. "Hey, Lady Lindra, how are you?"

She smiled. "Hello, Fitz. I'm perfectly fine. How are you?"

"I'm good. By the way, how does Keefe know you? I don't think he's ever gone here?"

"Oh, he only came once. But he gave me such a good idea for a security system."

Fitz's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you need security from?"

Lady Lindra and Keefe spoke at the same time


"Book Recommendations."

Fitz looked more confused than ever. "First of all, Keefe, I doubt you even have fans. And if you did, they wouldn't come to your house. No one comes to your house. And Lady Lindra.. aren't you a librarian? Wouldn't you like book recommendations? And book recommendations can't exactly walk to your house and knock on your door."

Keefe and Lady Lindra looked at each other. "You'll never understand." Lady Lindra said.

At the same time, Keefe said, "You're not cool enough to get it."

Fitz rolled his eyes. "Okay then. We need to focus. Do you have any books about The Universe? We need books to do our homework. We're supposed to research as much as we can and then make a project about the coolest things we learned."

KEEFER Of The Lost CitiesWhere stories live. Discover now