Exile- Meeting in Havenfield in Keefe's POV

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"So this is where the great Sophie Foster lives," Keefe said as he plopped down on her bed and grabbed Ella from among the pillows. "Wow—you really sleep with this thing? I thought Fitz was kidding when he gave it to you when you were recovering."

The room was large, taking up the entire floor, but it just seemed... empty. Like you could barely tell anyone stayed here. He glanced around to find cool human deices, but there was nothing. Sophie snatched Ella out of his hands and placed her on the desk chair, embarrassment radiating off her. 

Iggy had jumped into Keefe's lap and Keefe absentmindedly stroked its soft fur. "Only you would have a pet imp—and dye it hot pink."

"Actually, the pink is Dex's fault." She took a seat on the edge of her chair, facing her desk.

"Ah yes, I forgot about Dex. He comes over a lot, doesn't he?" What was that horrible prickly feeling he just got?

"We are best friends. And I've been thinking—"

"Oh good, at least one of us should." Sophie's eyebrows furrowed with annoyance, just the way he had imagined they would.

"I'm serious, Keefe. Before I tell you anything, I need you to agree to three conditions."

"And those conditions would be?" Iggy started jumping on his lap, and Keefe held out his hands to catch him before he landed again.

"Okay, number one: Anything I tell you can never be repeated, to anyone—ever. Not even Fitz." 

"Ooh, I get to solve all the Foster mysteries—awesome!" Keefe grinned at her, knowing that if it did come down to it, he would keep all the secrets in the world from Fitz if she told him to. Except, of course, if Foster decided to go rogue and kill Fitz. Then he would probably tell.

She sighed, her emotions practically screaming why did I sign up for this? "Two, I'm the one who makes the decisions— and you don't get to argue with them."

He was liking this Foster bossiness, but- "I don't see how that's fair." 

"I didn't say it was fair. You either agree or you're out." 

He could help his smile. "Fine, Foster's the queen of the universe— agreed. What's the last one?"

She stared at her hands, and Keefe watched uncertainly as he realized she was feeling guilt. "That no matter what you learn... . you won't hate me."

Was she feeling alright? "Why would I hate you?"

"Just promise, okay?"

"Uh, that one's a no-brainer. Still not so sure on the whole letting-you-boss-me-around thing. But the last one's easy." But a sliver of unease still made it's way down his spine. 

She nodded, still not looking at him, and he wanted to push her chin up so he could stare into those stunning brown eyes.

Until he realized how weird that was "So... that's it, right? We have a deal?"

"Actually there's one more thing," An extremely squeaky voice announced, and Keefe turned to see Sandor marching into the room. "Whatever you guys are planning, I'm in too."

"That might not always—"

"l go where you go," Sandor insisted, cutting Sophie off. "Or I head downstairs and tell Edaline everything I just heard—and more."

Keefe watched the staring competition between Sophie and Sandor until SOphie finally looked away. "Okay, so Gigantor's on the team," hedecided.

"And let's get one thing straight, Mr. Sencen," Sandor said, leaning down in Keefe's face. "I am here to keep Miss Foster safe, so you will do what I say or I will leave you behind. Is that clear?"

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