Keefe stumbled back in shock.
"No, no, no.. please, no. It's not true, right? It's.. just a rumor."
Denaia and Floren glanced at each other. "It was officially announced.." Denaia whispered, so soft, like she thought Keefe would shatter into thousands of tiny pieces if she spoke too loud.
It was too late for that. Actually, that was better than what Keefe was feeling.
Keefe stumbled back into the wall, not even noticing the stares from the other customers. He fell to the ground, leaning against the wall, staring blankly at Floren and Denaia.
He blinked. And blinked again. And again. And again.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
He swallowed, trying to push down the lump in his throat.
It's fake, it's not real, it can't be true, she's not gone.. she'll be at Foxfire, waiting to go home on the leapmaster.
Dex will be there too, standing next to Sophie and glaring at Fitz and Keefe and Biana when they come too near.
He shook his head, shut his eyes. This is a dream.
It's a dream.
A dream.
A dream.
"Um..." Floren said. "Are you okay?"
Keefe didn't answer. He didn't hear him.
His vision blurred. All he could see was an angry swirl of colors, blocking his view.
He knew he was shaking, but he didn't feel it.
Didn't notice how Denaia smacked Floren and said something about being insensitive.
Didn't notice as she stepped out from behind the counter and crouched down in front of him.
Didn't notice anything she said.
All he could see was the darkness.. taking over.. he was finally alone... with his thoughts.. and the darkness.. the red in his vision..
Brown eyes pierced into his thoughts and he jerked suddenly, a sharp movement that shocked Denaia into silence. She sat down next to him without a word.
A tear slipped down his cheek.
It wasn't long before Keefe was sobbing. Loud, ugly cries that pierced the silence and filled the air with misery.
He started shaking harder, and harder. Shivers ran down his spine and the world spun.
He struggled to breathe though the intense shaking and his sobs.
His breaths came out as wheezes and he shuddered.
This couldn't be real.
Not real.
Not real.
Not real.
Not real.
Not real.
It's real.
Keefe's shoulders shook and he brought up his knees to his chest, burying his face in his arms.
The sobs faded into nothingness.
He continued shaking silently, not moving from his spot. Denaia hadn't moved either, rubbing his back.

KEEFER Of The Lost Cities
FanfictionThis is the first book of KOTLC, but instead of Keefe knowing what everyone feels, WE know what Keefe feels. That's right, it's in Keefe's POV- the whole book. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE: THIS BOOK ISN'T ONLY FOR SOKEEFE SHIPPERS, I PROMISE PROMISE...