The next morning, Dame Alina's voice sounded disgustingly cheerful, and it didn't take Keefe long to figure out why. Dame Alina's voice echoed throughout the room, speaking those terrible words- "Everyone excited for midterms?"
Of course the only thing that made her happy was torturing her students.
Keefe wasn't scared for midterms, and judging from how calm Fitz was, he wasn't either. Somewhere in the room, though, someone was full of nervousness, panic, and worry. It didn't take him long to figure out who, considering Fitz was the only person he was making contact with, and Foster was the only person whose emotions he could read without contact.
Dame Alina continued.
"Your thinking caps are in your lockers, and remember, anyone found without one for the rest of the day will be disqualified for cheating—is that clear?" She waited until everyone nodded. "Good. Have fun with midterms."
The chorus of groans echoed through the air as Dame Alina flashed away and everyone left for their exams.
"So, Fitz. Do you think you'll do awesome, great, or better than anyone in this entire school combined?" Keefe asked him as they walked to their classes.
"Definitely the last one. What about you?"
"Eh. I'm thinking maybe second place. What an honor, right? My dad will be so excited."
Fitz frowned but didn't say anything. He didn't know that much about Keefe's life, but he knew it wasn't great. He also knew Keefe didn't like to talk about it, which is why Fitz probably felt concern and unease.
Trying to keep his voice light, Keefe said, "Don't worry, Fitzy. You'll do great."
Fitz grinned. "I know. You'll do great too."
They both opened their locker and took out their thinking caps. Placing it on his head, Keefe answered. "Woah, I'll only do great? Why can't I do awesome?" Fitz opened his mouth to respond, but Keefe had to go the other way. "Good luck, Fitzy."
"Good luck."
Keefe casually stepped into his first class, metaphysics. He had to write a 5000 word essay on the fundamental nature of reality, the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.
He wasn't sure how he did on the essay. He had a photographic memory, and that helped with facts, but when things came to explaining things in his own way, it was harder. His "own way" of writing consisted of lots of jokes and sarcasm, and that wasn't very useful when writing an essay.
Still, no matter how he wrote everything, Keefe knew everything on that paper was correct, so she couldn't deduct points.
In elementalism, Keefe was required to bottle three smells- roses, oil, and mallowmelt. He also had to bottle four tornados using four different methods.
This was easy, since Keefe was great at elementalism. The problem was, when it came to bottling the scent of mallowmelt, Keefe got so hungry that he had to ditch just to get a snack out of his locker. He came back and finished much faster.
Sir Deelay gave him an easy one hundred, detecting harder emotions such as confusion or shock. It was all easy.
In P.E, Keefe probably used telekinesis and levitation better than even the mentors. He also channeled really well.
Detention had no form of torture, though studying for midterms might have been worse than the other tortures Keefe had to endure.

KEEFER Of The Lost Cities
FanfictionThis is the first book of KOTLC, but instead of Keefe knowing what everyone feels, WE know what Keefe feels. That's right, it's in Keefe's POV- the whole book. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE: THIS BOOK ISN'T ONLY FOR SOKEEFE SHIPPERS, I PROMISE PROMISE...