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The next day started off the same way, and Keefe was relieved that he didn't have the same dream as yesterday. Even thinking about it was tiring.

The morning was practically a repeat of the last morning, except Helia DIDN'T drop the Squirmigs, so he had to actually eat them because not eating them would make Helia sad.

It was Monday, so he had school today. At least he didn't have to stay home.

Everything was perfectly normal until orientation, when everything got weird. Keefe was standing next to Fitz like usual, who was telling him some lame excuse for why he couldn't play base quest yesterday.

"Biana wanted to go shopping, so uh.. I went shopping for her because, uh... she had to go somewhere." Fitz stammered.

"But so did you!" Keefe replied. "Do you seriously think I would believe that you went out shopping for Biana? Okay, wait- I don't think you can argue against my next awesome point. I'm feeling guilt, suspicion, fear, confusion, worry, and a hint of anger. All the feelings that come with lying."

Fitz opened his mouth to answer, but Dame Alina's voice cut him off. She smoothed her caramel-colored hair and pursed her lips. "Good morning, prodigies,"

Keefe snickered, and putting aside his questions for Fitz, he leaned closer and whispered, "Listen to this."

"What?" Fitz asked, but Alina's voice continued.

"First and foremost, whoever put reekrod in my desk over the weekend will— It's not funny!" She insisted, because the whole room started laughing. Yep, this is why Keefe loves pranks. This sense of happiness, even if fleeting, can brighten up someone's day. Oh no, Keefe might be in danger of turning into Lady Ceah.

Dex described Lady Ceah as nice, soo, I changed her into a "Be Kind!" guidance counselor type of person, like how guidance counselors always are, because SM didn't really describe her much- oh, not that I think you shouldn't be kind. Pls be kind.

Alina's eyes narrowed.

"Mark my words—whoever it was will be punished to the fullest extent of my abilities." she threatened, and was quiet for a second, letting whoever was guilty(*cough* Keefe *cough*) think about regretting their decisions.

But Keefe didn't regret it one bit. She got what she deserved. "Last week we had fourteen prodigies detect special abilities—a new record." She clapped and everyone joined her. Keefe clapped too- feeling happy for those students, even though his manifesting wasn't the best.

He had thought that the feeling coming from his parents was love, but it turned out to be pity- He got his hopes up, and his whole world was destroyed. He doesn't like counting on Lord Annoyingpants and Lady Creepyface.

Surprisingly, Alina wasn't done. "And—last but not least—where is she? . . . Ah, there!" a spotlight brightened up the figure of a eleven to twelve year old looking girl. Maybe 13.

She was blond, and seemed to be hiding behind her hair. "Everyone, please welcome Sophie Foster—a Level Two prodigy, starting her first day at Foxfire." Sophie? That's a human name..

Even while hiding behind her hair, Keefe could tell she was bright red. It's her first day at Foxfire, but she's in Level Two? And in the middle of the year? This day is just getting weirder and weirder...

He leaned over to Fitz, who for some suspicious reason didn't look surprised. "Sophie?" He asked him, before he realized that his voice was one of hundreds hissing her name.

The poor girl looks like she's about to die from just orientation. If she was in his year, he might've helped her, but it looks like... Desk? Deck? Oh, right, Dex is helping her. Dex isn't in Keefe's year, so Keefe just knows him from the rumors about his family, but Keefe doesn't blame him.

If they could switch families for just a day... he's probably got nice, loving parents. No, Keefe wouldn't want to do that to Dex.

Not a single person clapped for Sophie, and Keefe didn't realize he didn't until Dame Alina cleared her throat and said, "Is that how we welcome someone?" And everyone clapped.

Sophie Foster looks like she's about to turn into either a tomato or apple- maybe a beet, and he was pretty sure neither of those are good for her. "That's better," Dame Alina said. "That concludes today's announcements. Have a wonderful day!" And she clicked off the screen.

Suddenly everyone looked at Sophie and started whispering. Oh, today was probably NOT a good first day for her.

"Fitz?" He asked.


"Why didn't you feel surprised when Dame Alina said there was a new student?"

"Uh... I did, I just hid it..." Which was a weird answer, since you can't hide emotions that well- from Keefe- but today was a weird day.

Keefe needed something normal for once, so he asked, "Base quest after school?"

"Sure." Fitz replied, and they got their things from their locker and went to their classes. But Keefe couldn't shake the feeling that there was something about that girl that was really different from everyone else.


Base quest with Fitz and Biana would always be fun, if Biana wasn't always calling him for her team, because apparently, "It's not fair if she was alone and they were a team".

Keefe wondered if there was another reason. Why couldn't she just pick Fitz for her team? Or be alone. Surprisingly, Biana was way stronger and faster than she let on. She would be fine by herself. So why does she keep calling him for her team?

They had better get someone else to play base quest with them. Uneven teams were so hard to play with.

And also maybe because he couldn't stand being on Biana's team any longer, even if they always won.

"Keefe!" Della came up to him and gave him a hug. He gladly hugged back, feeling at peace for once. "I haven't seen you in a week! I just made mallowmelt, do you want some?"

Fitz and Biana stared at her, shocked.

"And you didn't tell us this because...?" Biana asked, grumpily. "There are others that like mallowment here, too, Mom."

"Keefe is our guest, sweetie. He gets to know first." She laughed.

Keefe smirked at the other two, "Ha. That's just another way of saying I get to eat more"

"I never said that," Della chuckled. Keefe clutched at his heart, pretending to be wounded.

Biana stuck her tongue out, but before any of them knew what was going on, Fitz started running towards Everglen and yelled, "Race you to the mallowmelt! First one there gets the most pieces!"

"HEY, THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Keefe called, running towards their mansion too.

Of course, Fitz won, but they all were laughing until their sides hurt and eating mallowmelt until their stomachs hurt and this kind of fun was just the kind that Keefe needed. 

I take it back- this chapter is more boring than the last-


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