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Yes, another one. I have to keep you guys updated somehow. And yeah, it's another one of those. The last one doesn't count because I actually updated regularly after that so there wasn't a schedule. Now there will be.

I haven't updated in a while because I've been really busy... Anyway, since the school year is starting again (so long, summer break!), I'm going to be even MORE busy and I won't be able to update as often as I have. Which I get is not that often anyway, but I'm talking like one chapter a week.

I'm thinking I'll publish every Sunday- like whenever it's Sunday in New York City(Not where I live, but same time zone), because I know some of you guys are in different time zones. I'll update around like 5 or 6 or maybe 7 p.m., and I apologize if you're in some time zone where you'll be asleep at that time. (T_T)

So yeah. I'm still going with this, don't worry. And this will start NEXT Sunday- expect the next chapter to be published on Sunday, Sep. 8, and so on.

Also, just to clear things up about what chapters I'm doing next,

The next chapters (In order) unless I get another recommendation are going to be:

1. The scene where Keefe keeps interrupting Sophie and Fitz's cognate training

2. Throwing shoes at Keefe's window

3. The scene where Tam has to shoot shadowflux at Keefe in Loamnore

4. The scene in the tent in Exillium

5. The scene where Sophie tells Keefe that she and Fitz broke up

6. The scene in Neverseen where Sophie barges into Keefe's room and sees the notes

7. The scene where Sophie looks through Keefe's memory and learns about how horrible his life was

8. The scene where Keefe is about to leave to Ravagog but stays because of her

9. The scene where Keefe joins the Neverseen

10. (Lodestar starting) The scene where Sophie sees him at school

(Should I add scenes about Keefe's interactions with the neverseen? Like when he has that talk with Fintan?)

11. The scene where they meet up on the smelly island and he shows her the memory that made him join the neverseen

12. The scene where Lumenaria collapses as Keefe finds her and Edaline

That's all so far. If there's ever a recommendation, I'll do that first before moving onto the next one in the list. 

KEEFER Of The Lost CitiesWhere stories live. Discover now