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Keefe sat on his bench, throwing prattles in the air and trying to catch them with his mouth, when he suddenly felt a burst of panic, fear, and confusion.

Why was he feeling those things? Wait... those aren't his feelings.. Okay, that's weird- he can't feel emotions without contact.

But soon enough, he saw a blonde, brown eyed girl walk around the corner into sight. Yep, that was Foster. She didn't seem to notice him, but her panic was seriously getting to him- seriously, she was panicking so much that KEEFE was panicking- or was he? How did he know what she was feeling without her even being close to her? No, more important, how was he able to FEEL what she was feeling?

He'd felt this before, but never this close.

"You must be lost." The words slipped out of his mouth before he could think about it.

She blinked, probably realizing she was somewhere completely different than she expected. "How did you know?"

Keefe smirked, "It's the middle of session. Either you're lost, or you're ditching—and clearly you're not ditching."

Why was she in the hallways during class?

"Why couldn't I be ditching?" She asked.

"Are you?"

"No," She admitted.

Keefe's mouth twisted into a crooked grin. She was pretty cool. "You're the new girl, aren't you?" She sighed and nodded. "I'm Keefe"

"Sophie- but I'm sure you already knew that."

He laughed- everyone already knew her. "You may be the biggest news to hit the academy since the Great Gulon Incident three years ago—which, by the way, I had nothing to do with." He flashed a slightly wicked smile. "But that's not a bad thing. Personally, I've always enjoyed being the center of attention."

Her mouth opened to say something, but she changed it to, "Where are you supposed to be?"

"The Universe. I ditch whenever I can. Lady Belva has the worst crush on me. I mean, I can't really blame her"—he gestured to himself—"but still, it's awkward, you know?" Which was actually like, 10% true(The Lady Belva thing- not the awkward thing- That's 100% true)

"And now I get to meet the mysterious new girl," he added. "So I'd say ditching paid off pretty well." Which was also true- he'd been looking forward to meeting her. Probably trying to hide it and failing, she blushed again.

"I'm hardly mysterious." She lied- maybe she didn't know she was lying, but "hardly mysterious" was the opposite to what she was.

"I don't know. You won't tell me why you're not in session. Don't think I haven't noticed."

She looked down at her feet, as if her shoes were the most interesting thing ever. Waves of embarrassment hit Keefe, which is why he could guess her answer- "That's because it's too embarrassing." Yep.

"I love embarrassing!" He laughed when she stayed silent- but he didn't push for exact details. Yet he needed to know what happened. "Will you at least tell me where you're supposed to be?"

She sighed. "Alchemy with Lady Galvin." Ugh, Lady Galvin, ew...

"Ugh, she's the worst. I had her as a Level Three—and she hated me, probably because I turned the lab table to silver. But she said she wanted me to impress her." He winked. "Still, I wouldn't mention that we're friends if I were you." Sophie seemed surprised about something, but he wasn't sure what. Was it because he'd called her his friend? "So, what, did Lady Galvin kick you out or something?" he asked.

KEEFER Of The Lost CitiesWhere stories live. Discover now