A burning question

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Lilith Azar

"Guess our shagging has been ruined," Benoit sighed as he leaned against the VIP room's door with annoyance all over his face.

A deep sigh left my mouth — I don't have time for these snarky comments "I will not have a person die on my curve; do you think that would be good for business?"

"No," he simply replied because I'm right, per usual. "But," he couldn't just shut the fuck up "we could drop him off at a hospital or something—"

"Benoit if you're only going to stand there and look pretty whilst you complain, I urge you to leave this room," with a damped towel I cleaned Ace's face — he fell asleep as soon as he touched the sofa. You can smell the whiskey a kilometer away.

Benoit ended up helping me take Ace's boots and coat off "What are we supposed to do with him?" He asked, and it's a fair question.

"We've handled far worse than this, sweetheart," I told, going into the bathroom to wash my hands. "Let's let him sleep it off here."

"He apparently doesn't have a cellphone," Benoit commented as he checked Ace's coat pockets. "But he was obviously not mugged because he's still wearing his Rolex." My head of security sat on the sofa to look through Ace's wallet "He has a black Amex, a driving license from New York and another one from here."

"What about something that we could use to contact someone who might know him?" I asked, drying my hands.

"Nothing," Benoit sighed. "Lucien is right; you like taking in strays."

I crossed my arms, looking at the black man sitting on the rose velour sofa "I just like doing nice things for people who need help, bratty twat," I chuckled as he gasped. "I know you're frustrated because you wanted to get your dick wet before work, but there's still plenty of time," my feet approached him to straddle him. "Now, tell me how was your mum's birthday breakfast? Did she like the bag you got her?"

Benoit smiled as his hands stroked my thighs — he can't stay mad at me "Obviously, but without you I would've probably gotten the wrong one."

"Babes, your mother is a massive Louis Vuitton fan, I don't know why you were even looking in Saint Laurent," I told, taking my coat off. "You need to pay more attention."

He chuckled "When you call me 'babes' I feel like it's a passive-aggressive way to call me stupid."

"It's generally how I would use it," I giggled "but never with you, handsome," there was a smile on my lips as I leaned in to kiss him — a kiss that went from sweet to intense in little to no time. "Mhh," My hands gently pushed him away to catch my breath "handsome, I'm not wearing the right attire for you to fuck me right now," I could feel his hardening cock, pushing through his pants to gently poke me.

"Then we should go to the next room," he got up, holding me by my thighs to take me to VIP #2.

I adore Benoit, but at times it feels like he treats me just as any other client would; like a pair of fuckable legs. Sometimes I do want to be treated like that by him, but there are other days in which I just want to be held and have a conversation about other things than sex. Maybe it was a mistake to have a sexual relationship with my friend.

"Benoit, baby, can we do this later?" I asked as he kissed my neck, kneeling between my legs. "It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, I just don't want to have sex right now in general; I'm tired."

He let out a deep sigh, lying beside me on the bed "Fine," Benoit got up from the bed.

I cleared my throat "Why don't you come to my place for dinner tonight? I made cheesecake yesterday, and I can also make you risotto. We could watch a movie or something else—"

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