High praise

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Lilith Azar
Three weeks later

For the first time in a long time my life feels complete and everything around me makes sense in a way it has never before. My relationship with Sauv is going at a quite rapid pace, which I like — it feels right.

We've spent most of these three weeks nights at my place. We spend hours and hours talking about our expectations for the future and the things we would like to do together, but we also talk of silly stuff and joke around quite a lot; I feel like I'm floating inside a bubble.

Tonight is our weekly date night and we've decided to spend it in our bedroom, eating takeaway sushi.

"Maybe we should go to Japan for your birthday," I said, dipping my roll in the soy sauce. "Or we could go visit your parents in Brussels."

"Japan sounds great, my love but my birthday is still 10 months away," he replied with a smile. "As for Brussels, that could be done this weekend."

I almost choked on my sushi "This weekend? As in the day after tomorrow?"

Sauv nodded "If you would allow me to take some days off work, of course."

"Sauv, do you really want me to meet your parents this early on?" I inquired with a worried look.

"Well, I thought we were quite confident in our relationship but if you've changed your mind—"

"No no," I shook my head and gently rubbed his forearm "I'm just worried I won't meet their standards...you'll find this ridiculous but I've never been introduced to anyone's parents, and I don't want to fuck it up."

Sauv showed me a soft smile "Why would you think that? As long as I love you, they will love you as well; your past or line of work or else isn't important to them."

My cheeks grew hot "Do you really think they'll love me?"

"Absolutely," he winked, making me smile. "I'll ring them once we are done eating."

"Okay," I nodded "and tomorrow I want to go buy presents for them; does your mum prefer bags or jewelry? Maybe I could also get her a Hermès tableware–"

"My love, you don't need to buy them anything," Sauv stated.

I hesitantly nodded "I just think it would be rude to visit them and not bring any gifts – they're material things but to me it's a way to show appreciation. Do you think they will think I'm trying to buy their approval?"

My boyfriend shook his head "No, Lilith, not at all – I just don't want you to feel obliged to buy them gifts when you have never met them."

"I don't feel obliged," I assured "I would be honoured, baby."

Sauv grinned my way as his cheeks turned slightly red "Then we can go get them gifts tomorrow, mon amour."

A relief sigh left my mouth "I promise to make it fun, darling."

"As long as we are together, I'll have fun," he winked, making me grin.

My boyfriend continued eating, but I couldn't help to look at him for a minute, with dreamy eyes and a smile that probably seemed foolish...it made me feel so, because I'm quickly falling in love with Alexandre. He's what reigns my thoughts; every time he comes in my office to give me a quick kiss or tell me I look beautiful, I feel the naiveté of an adolescent living through her first love – which is beautiful, because everything feels so perfect and ethereal.

If my parents were alive, I would've introduced them to Alexandre within the first week – that's how serious I see our relationship, even if it's still quite young (our relationship).

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