How much you like me

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Lilith Azar

After a long call with Camilo about his friend, the man I took in for a couple of hours, I went back to focusing on my best friend. I just want Lucien to fuck Sauv so he can cross it off his bucket list.

"I think you should phone him," I told, refilling his wine. "Sauv always says 'yes' to a little night out anyway. What do you have to lose?"

Lucien raised an eyebrow "I have the feeling you have fucked more than once."

I chuckled, putting the bottle down to push the cork back into place "We have, but the first time I don't remember and the last time was two weeks ago."

"What do you mean you don't remember the first time? When was the first time?" He talked so quickly it made me giggle.

I took a deep breath, turning to my right to open the hidden fridge and pull out a bottle of sparkling water "It was when we first met, a couple of hours before his job interview with me. It was my last night in Capri and I was pissed to my core, and in the morning I woke up with this handsome man in my hotel room. I left before he did, and in the afternoon, back here in Paris, he was the one who came in first for the interviews," I opened the bottle, watching my stunned friend, and took a sip. "What?"

"And did you two talk about what happened in Capri?" Lucien inquired.

I nodded "Yeah. The opening night of the club he brought me breakfast at 7 am when I was finishing up in my office and we talked about it over hot cocoa and croissants," I explained. "Sauv remembered a little more than I did: we were both plastered and were almost fucking at a nightclub, but we, fortunately, made the responsible decision of going back to my hotel to fuck there. After a couple of weeks of trying to remember, I finally did and it left me wanting more so we fucked again."

"Your life is my dream," he simply answered with a sigh. "Fucking Sauv sounds like a good activity before going to bed."

"Then fuck him," I chuckled.

Lucien hummed "I'll think about it because I also have this AirFrance pilot lined up," my best friend explained. "We've been speaking for a couple of weeks, and we are having lunch tomorrow; don't worry, Blanche will be there to cover for me–"

"You need not to give me explanations, sweetheart," I gently rubbed his arm. "You're in charge of your department. So, tell me about this pilot."

My friend grinned "I met him at Saint Laurent about a month ago; he was shopping for shoes and he was so handsome, I had to speak to him. We ended up buying the same pair of boots and walking around the city for a couple of hours, but he has been so busy ever since we haven't had the opportunity to have a proper date."

"You forgot about Sauv quite quickly," I teased.

Lucien chuckled " Well, Sauv doesn't wear a uniform as the one James wears."

"Why hadn't you told me about him?" I asked, taking his hand to lead him to my bedroom. I want to change and lie down.

"Because we were only texting, and it didn't feel real, but now we're gonna have our first date it feels tangible and like I should tell you about it," he explained. "I just asked you about Sauv because I wanted to keep my options open."

I giggled, taking my jumper off "You're as big of a slut as I am."

"And that is why we are best friends."

We spent three hours talking about James. Lucien is excited to go on a date with him, but he's also nervous because he hasn't gone on a serious date in a couple of months. James was born in London but moved to France a couple of years ago when he became a pilot for AirFrance, and he flies internationally flights. To be honest, James should be in a calendar of hot pilots. I'm expecting something else than a kiss to happen tomorrow so Lucien and I can gossip until our mouths hurt from speaking too much.

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