Chapter 72

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"Thank you so much- For all of this."

"An enemy of the Dark Bastard is a friend of mine- But don't think you can waltz in any damn time of the day, Longbottom. I've got a business to run, and I don't need Death Eaters comin' in, messin' that up... You kids be careful though. I don't know much about what happens at that school, but with bruises like yours, I can't say it seems like a lot of good." Aberforth Dumbledore said, watching Neville and I with a grimace. I smiled a bit crookedly, adjusting the small basket of food on my hip.

"We try our best, Aberforth." I promised, and Aberforth looked a bit amused.

"I'm sure. Now you two get going- I'll have Ariana come fetch you in a week, you'll get your stock back up then." He said, and Neville thanked him one last time before we were on our way back to the Room, both very pleased with the way things had gone.

"He only pulled his wand on us twice!" I said happily, and Neville grinned.

"I suppose it was a success- This should be enough food for anyone who needs it. I'm amazed he came around so quickly- I thought for sure he was going to hex us both when we climbed out of the wall."

"Nah- He's a big softie, I think. A little gruff, but he tries." I said. Neville raised an eyebrow.

"And how do you know that?"

I shrugged. "Because I am the all-knowing one from the future, remember?"

"Ah, right." He said good-naturedly. "I forget sometimes that you're a complete smart ass."

"Neville! Rude." I laughed, moving past him so I could duck out of the passageway first. The Room was a place of busyness and merriment, and I was glad to see that as Neville had moved in, people had become more inclined to stop by and visit, to take a break from the outside world.

We had worried at first that the Carrows would notice, would follow and would find our hide out- But Neville was learning how to work the room, how to ask things of it that would give us the perfect cover and protection. The room always had an extra door for emergencies too, one that lead to a different part of the castle if the Carrows ever did manage to get in.

With Neville at the helm though, I had full confidence it would be impossible.

"Seamus- Where the hell is Seamus?" Neville had stopped in the entryway, brows furrowed as he surveyed the room. I turned back, looking at him with a frown.

"I don't know."

"I do." It was Parvati, walking up to us with a very put-out expression. "He and Lavender snuck off together."

"Ah. Of course."I grinned wryly as I stepped down from the platform. "I'll go find them- You'll be fine here, Neville?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course. Give me that basket- I'll go set it on a table."

"As long as you think you can manage." I joked, handing it off to him. He simply shook his head at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him before heading out of the room. Pulling my cardigan a little closer around myself as I walked, I tried to ignore the Dementors that floated outside the windows. I didn't know when they had gotten so close, so near to the school's walls, but now no one dared go into the courtyard for the fear of having their soul sucked out.

It made the need to learn the Patronus charm even more important, even more crucial, and I let out a small huff. I was getting there- I had wisps now, silver ones that would come from my wand. Each time the patronus would get a little clearer, and I was excited for the day it would finally show itself.

"Guys?" I walked over, pulling open the storage closet. To my disappointment- And fair amount of relief, admittedly- it was empty. Sighing, I shut the door and continued on my way, trying to figure out where they could be- They knew it was dangerous, wandering around, especially for the sole purpose of making out. Surely the Carrows would be less than pleased if they found them.

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