Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I sat quietly on the couch that morning, sitting across from Remus in silence while Sirius was upstairs with Caiden. Remus, after being cleaned up now just looked tired, staring down at the untouched cup of hot chocolate in his hand, something that Caiden insisted he should have.

We were both quiet, lost in our thoughts when finally Remus broke the silence, looking up at me.

"Do you love him?"

"Who?" I asked dumbly, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.


" guess."

Remus was staring at me curiously, searching my face before he nodded, looking hesitant and a little pink in the face before he asked-

"Did you two, um, ever do any type of, er, sexual activiti-"

As he stuttered through the question I felt my stomach drop, the heat rising up to my face as I shook my head. I did not want to be having this conversation, especially not now.

"Wha? No! No, no, of course not." I said, nose crinkling up. "No, it wasn' that. Promise."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Remus!"

"Fine, fine- I just thought, you know, that I should ask. As an adult. So Sirius doesn't." He said, and I groaned, falling back on my chair with a loud thump.

"Please don't give him any ideas."

"Give who any ideas?" Sirius asked as he entered the room, causing my face to heat up even more, if possible. Remus's expression matched mine however, both of us chokign out 'Nothing!' before falling into silence.

Ah, the joys of family. Sirius looked in-between us for a few seconds before crossing his arms.

"Are you two having serious conversation without me?"

"Nope." I said, crossing two imaginary fingers in my head that he would drop the subject. But Sirius was stubborn, and if he wanted to find something out, he would.


"I- I was simply asking Lily whether she had ever been um, physically involved with Draco."

'Traitor.' I mouthed at him as he explained, and he simply shrugged helplessly at me while Sirius, now looking very intrigued, looked over at me, and I could feel the heat radiating off my skin from my blush.

"Have you?"

"NO! Sirius, Merlin, I'm not that old-"

"Well he spent the past two nights in your bed-"

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew! I'm not stupid, kiddo. I'll have you know that when I was your age-"

"AH- no. No. Don't got there. Message received." I said quickly, staring at him with wide eyes while Remus just face-palmed.


After quickly excusing myself from the previous discussion I made my way up to my room, shaking my head at the antics of my family. I had just walked through the door when I saw the owl sitting on the back of a chair, the letter it dropped sitting on the seat.

"Hello there." I said, puzzled as I walked over, it's large orange eyes followed me as I reached down, picking up the letter. My name was written elegantly in the front, and turning it over I studied it carefully before opening it, unfolding the letter it held.

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