Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Turns out Sirius had been hiding out in my room in my closet, and with the help of Harry, Ron, and eventually Caiden, my hair was restored back to it’s brown, with the exception of a small pink streak that stayed in a few strands of hair next to my side bangs.

Sadly, it wouldn’t be fading for awhile- at least a year, something that earned Sirius a good hexing from Remus. It was very fun to watch as Sirius ran around, forced into his animagus form that was completed with a pink bow and a pink streak of his own.

Revenge was sweet.

So now I sat in a compartment by myself as the train made it’s way back to Hogwarts. I hadn’t been able to locate Neville or Luna, and I had lost Ginny a while ago, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I had yet to decide on what I wanted to do- Publicly stand behind and support my cousin, or keep it a secret and work for- but against- Lord Voldemort.

It was too hard of a decision to make within a short period of time. Hell, even a long period of time wouldn’t be enough. I was still in mid though when the door slid open, and, much to my surprise, an impassive Draco Malfoy walked in, looking at me emotionlessly.

“Everywhere else is full.” He said stiffly, and I shrugged, gesturing for him to sit down on the spot across from me. What might’ve been gratefulness flashed on his face, and he let out a small sigh before sitting down, his posture stiff. It reminded me of a wooden bored, and it kinda bugged me.

All was silent for a few minutes when Draco frowned at me.

“Why do you have pink in your hair?”

“What- oh. Um, my godfather....decided it needed some more color. Trust me, it looks a lot better now than it did two days ago.”


“I honestly have no idea what goes on in the mind of that madman.” I snorted, rolling my eyes. Draco frowned slightly but nodded once before looking back out of the window, and odd silence settling around the room.

And what I mean by odd, is that while it wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t completely comfortable, either. I wanted to say something, but what was there to say? ‘What’ve you been up to lately?’

“You know, don’t you?” Draco asked suddenly, and I frowned. What was he talking about? Then I saw his expression, and I knew exactly what he meant.

“Oh..” I said slowly, looking down as I had taken sudden interest in the floor. I never noticed that it was carpet before, hmm...

“You do.” Draco confirmed, letting out a sigh. “You know.”

“Of course I do.” I snapped slightly, looking back up. “It’s not that hard to figure out, really. Only a moron couldn’t.”

“And yet your cousin hasn’t figured out yet?

“I never said he was smart.” I countered, and I couldn’t but snicker as Draco cracked a small smile at that comment, looking amused.

“I’m surprised. Insulting your cousin, and you know what I am- I’m astonished you haven’t hexed or cursed me yet.”

“Trust me, it was considered.” I assured him, smirking. Draco smirked back, and for a second, I saw a glimpse of his old self, the somewhat lighthearted one 

“What are smiling about, Potter?” Draco asked, and I jumped slightly. Had I been smiling? Well if I had, I wasn’t now.

“No idea what you’re talking about.” I said airily, looking out of the window.Draco smirked.

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