Chapter 33(FINALLY)

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Chapter 33

I woke up early the next morning, cold and to the sound of a faint murmur that I supposed was coming from downstairs.

Rolling over in the bed I frowned as I realized it was empty, sitting up I looked around the room, though there was no sign of Draco. Not even his jacket. While I felt slightly disappointed, I reminded myself sternly that he was an Order member and a death eater, and  odd schedules and late night disappearances were fairly common in his line of work.

Stepping out a bit I slipped my sweatshirt over my head, walking quickly across the cold floor when I noticed a piece of parchment sitting undisturbed on the nightstand, the dawn light seeming to make the grey-ish paper glow. 

To Lily Potter

I picked it up carefully, studying the envelope before I slid it open and pulled the letter out. The handwriting was beautiful. 


I’m sorry to leave you this way, but the Dark Lord has called me, and I won’t be back for awhile. I don’t want to go. I’d much rather stay here, with you. Warm. Loved. Cared for.  But staying here any longer when I am being called would be dangerous, especially for you.

I didn’t plan to leave now but I decided it would be easier. I hope you slept well.

I love you.



I stood, staring unbelievably at the letter before I set it back down, the fresh ink staining my fingers. He couldn’t have left yet. With this in mind I bolted out the door, nearly slipping as I ran down the stairs. Tonks and Sirius were sitting in the living room, both looking up at me for a spare second before I ran down the hall and out the front door, looking down the street before I saw him.

Draco, walking quietly down the sidewalk, his hands in his pocket as he walked. 

“DRACO  MALFOY!” I yelled after him, not even pausing when he turned as I threw my arms around his neck, holding him tightly as his arms surrounded my waist.

“Lily, I-”

“If you think you’re leaving with nothing but a crappy letter as a goodbye you’re wrong.” I muttered into his jacket. Draco simply held me closer, our clothes both damp from the rain that was falling from the dark clouds. I could feel Draco's chest move as he sighed, running a hand through my hair gently.

“I still have to go...” Draco said quietly, a small frown on his face as he pulled away to look down at me. I sighed, nodding weakly.

“I know.” I murmured softly as he leaned down, his lips brushing against my cheek softly, and I smiled weakly, closing my eyes. “Be safe.”

“I will.” Draco chuckled weakly before stepping away reluctantly, and I bit my lip to keep from calling him again as he turned and walked away until he was out of the wards, and with one last smile at me he disapparated, leaving me on the street by myself.

I stood there quietly for a few seconds, sighing as I stared at the place where he left. It’s like he was never there. He was gone. 

“Lily?” A new voice came from behind me, and turning around I saw Sirius standing there, concerned. “You ok?”

“Yeah..” I sighed tiredly, nodding. “I’m good.”

“C’mon then. Let’s go have some hot chocolate, alright?”

“Sounds wonderful.” 

So, with Sirius’s arm around my shoulders he lead me back inside to the warmth, while I tried to keep my thoughts away from Draco and where exactly he may be.


Sitting on the couch I stayed curled comfortably into Sirius’s side, his arm wrapped around me as I flipped through the pages of the book. Tonks had gone back to bed awhile go, having visited Sirius with worries of Remus- it was a full moon tonight.

“So you really like him, don’t you?” Sirius sighed after a moment, and I frowned, closing my books and tilting my head back to look up at him.

“Yeah, why?”

“I know, but really? A Malfo-”

“Don’t finish that sentence.”


We stayed like that in silence for I dunno how long, but enough time that I had managed to flip through several books, while Sirius had fallen back asleep, leaving me trapped under his arm. Sighing, I lifted his arm and slid as quietly as possible off the couch, setting it back down and covering him in a blanket before I walked into the kitchen, yawning. 

It had gotten later in the day and Order members could be expected to come bustling in any moment. I was searching through the cupboard for food when I heard the door swing open, followed by a loud slam.

“Sirius?” A voice croaked tiredly and peeking into the hall I saw Remus, swaying tiredly and collapsing against one of the walls.

“Lily- Lily, get your father. And Tonks.” He groaned, holding a piece of cloth against his side, and I nodded weakly nearly sprinting to the living room. I took hold of Sirius’s shoulder, shaking him roughly as I heard a loud ‘thump’ from the hallway.

“Sirius- SIRIUS!” I yelled, resisting the urge to smirk as he jumped awake.


“Remus is in the hall- I think he’s hurt.”

And I think that was the fastest I had ever seen him move. 

“Get Tonks!” He ordered over his shoulder, and I nodded weakly, running upstairs.

“Tonks!” I yelled, nearly tripping on the last step when I heard her door open.

“What, Lily?” I heard her ask, looking wide awake.

“Remus-” But I didn’t get to finish my sentence this time, as Tonks was already running down the stairs. I let myself sit on the stairs for a few seconds before I continued downstairs, following the sounds. Remus was sitting on a chair in the kitchen, Tonks alright wiping some of the dirt and blood off his face. Sirius was searching through the cupboard, frowning slightly as he looked.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, and Tonks looked up at me, about to speak, but Remus cut her off, looking up at me with a weak smile.

“I’m fine, Lily. I’ve just had a rough night.”

“You sure? Because if there’s anything-”

“Sirius and Tonks already seem to have gotten everything under control- I missed one of my potions, before the full moon.” He admitted, and I nodded, wincing when he winced, as Tonks seemed to be cleaning one of the particularly deep scratches.

“I’m just glad you’re okay-” I said, pausing when the small thumps of little feet approached, and we all tensed as Caiden entered the room, looking around at all of us sleepily before finally looking over at Remus, his crystal blue eyes widening.


“It’s okay, Caiden.” Remus hushed, and I watched as Caiden walked over to him, reaching up and tracing a scratch on his face with a small frown.

“Was the wolf mean?” He asked after a moment, and Remus smiled fondly at the boy, ruffling his hair. I smiled quietly to myself as I watched them speak, Tonk's expression mirroring my own.

“Yes he was, Caiden. But I’m okay.” He said, and Caiden smiled, looking reassured, as he slid his arms around Remus's waist, and Remus, though flinching slightly, hugged him back. 

“Good.” Was all Caiden said before looking up at Tonks, stilled wrapped in Remus's arms.

“Can I have some hot chocolate?”

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