Chapter 45

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“Lily. Lily, wake up.” Hermione’s quiet voice tore me away from my dreams, her hand shaking my shoulder lightly in a successful attempt to rouse me. Sitting up, I rubbed at my eyes, opening them to glance up at a smiling Hermione. She had, quite kindly, offered to stay with me while the boys where back at the Burrow. I had originally protested, but honesty I did appreciate the company. It got lonely, without any other girls around. Not that Tonks wasn’t a girl, but... She wasn’t sixteen.

“Morning, Hermione.” I greeted, hiding my yawn behind my hand. Hermione sat up, already dressed and ready to leave- Being that today was Harry’s birthday(He was seventeen already, good heavens) we would be spending it at the Burrow. It would be my first time there since I had rushed over a few nights ago, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about seeing Fred. After leaving his room that night I had left rather quickly, Sirius on my heels. He- thankfully- hadn’t asked what happened, but had instead set me down on the counter and placed a warm liquid in my hand, which I had later found out was firewhisky. In his opinion, sixteen-almost-seventeen was good enough for alcoholic beverages. I had made no complaint, drinking the warm liquid like it had become more of a need than a want.

“Glad to see you’re up- We’re heading to the Burrow in half an hour... Will you be ready then?” Hermione asked, watching me with more than the usual amount of concern. I blanked on why, until I pulled the hair off my face that was still stuck there, glued on by the tears I had shed last night. Crying was not a normal thing for me, but lately with Fred being injured, and Draco constantly on my mind, I would crack under stress. It caused for late nights, and it hadn’t been only a one-time thing where Sirius had found me passed out on the couch mid-book sometime later in the day. Nodding quietly, I pulled myself off the bed, letting out one last yawn. 

“I haven’t missed breakfast, have I?”

“We’re having it at the Burrow, so no. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” Hermione smiled at me kindly, squeezing my hand before skirting out of the room. Sighing, I let myself flop back on the bed. I only had so many days of relaxation left- I left for the Longbottom’s on the twenty-seventh, thirteen days after my own birthday. Then five days after that, I left for Hogwarts with Neville. It was all very exciting... and incredibly draining. I allowed myself just a few more peaceful seconds on my bed before I pulled myself off of it, permanently this time, and headed to the closet. Pulling on a t-shirt and some shorts I padded downstairs, grabbing my shoes along the way.

“Hermione just left- We told her we’d send you there when you woke.”  Sirius chimed as I passed him in the kitchen. I nodded, grabbing a slice of toast off the plate that sat at the center of the table before pressing a kiss to Sirius’s cheek.

“I’ll be back later.” I chimed, flashing a small smile before I exited the kitchen as quickly as I had entered it, heading for the fireplace. Stepping inside, I spoke quickly, trying not to mumble around the slice of toast I had bitten into.  The Burrow was filled with smells of food, all coming in the living room from the kitchen. I was surprised to step out of the fireplace and into an empty room, but with the wedding tomorrow, I figured that most of them would still be working on set up and decorations.

“Hello?” I called warily out to the house, jumping when the doors to the kitchen swung open to reveal Harry standing there with a surprised, but pleased, expression. He stepped forward, moving over to hug me. 

“Hey Harry! Happy birthday, cousin.” I greeted, letting my head rest on his shoulder as his arms looped around my back, hugging me lightly. Pulling away after a moment he smiled at me, though it didn’t distract me from the circles that were starting to form under his eyes.Oh, Harry. I knew- Probably more than anyone- That he could handle himself just fine, and would get through alright. But it was still aggravating to see that he, among many, was also having a troubled time, and that I couldn’t do anything about it. Harry smiled at me, one weary enough to match my own.

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