Chapter 50

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Things remained fairly peaceful until the next week.

When the sirens went off near my head at seven AM, I had leapt out of bed so quickly I nearly managed to get caught up in the bed drapes, falling through them only to end up sprawled out on the floor.

“Ow..” I grumbled, looking up to see a large pole in the middle of the room, lights flashing as the siren slowly came to a stop. Alecto Carrow’s voice followed.

“ALL STUDENTS OUT OF BED.” She bellowed, sounding even angrier than usual, “BE IN THE GREAT HALL BY SEVEN-THIRTY.”

With that the pole dropped down, forming a ball before it rolled out of the room. Lavender’s head peeked out from her bed, eyes wide in alarm.

“What in the world was that?”

“Our wake up call.” Parvati said grumpily, and I nodded in agreement, pulling myself up off the bed. It wasn’t until I felt the bubbling in my hand that I realized my disguise was fading, and quickly I scrambled back into the bed, pulling the drapes.

“You alright, Alecia?” Fay Dunbar asked from outside my bed, her soft voice filled with more concern than curiosity.

“Yeah, I’m good. You guys get dressed.” I said, retrieving my polyjuice potion from it’s hiding spot. Taking my usual dose, I didn’t move until the bubbling feeling went away all together, leaving me to pant heavily in my bed, the panic slowly fading.

Right. Now to continue on.

I slipped out of bed, pulling my uniform on quickly. Most of the girls had already gotten dressed and left, but I could hear Lavender humming in the bathroom. I pulled my hair up into a scruffy bun as I hurried down the stairs, bag slung over my shoulder. Like they had been since school started, Neville and Ginny stood waiting in the common room, talking quietly.

“Hey guys.” I greeted, watching as they both looked up at me. They both appeared tired, and I’m sure I looked the same.

“Morning Alecia. Sleep well?”

“Decently. Bit of a rude awakening though.” I smiled grimly. Neville smiled, and Ginny let out a half-hearted laugh, nodding quickly in agreement.

“You’ve got that right- Now can we go?” Ginny asked, glancing quickly between Neville and I. “I’m hungry.”

“Of course you are.” Neville chuckled quietly, and the three of us made our way to the Great Hall, joined by Luna for a short period of time before we had to sit down. Even though the Great Hall still looked the same, the atmosphere was terrifying.

Every student talked in hushed whispers or none at all, except a few bold Slytherins who knew the Carrows wouldn’t put them in detention. A couple students had large scars or bandages on their faces, having been unable to get proper magical treatment from the Infirmary. Even the sky above our heads had turned gray, clouds always swirling ominously.

The professors all looked grave. Minerva, looking especially somber-faced, sat to the far left of the table, her spot next to the Headmaster's chair having been taken by Alecto. Snape sat at the head of the table, food untouched and staring down at the students cryptically. Part of me thought he really did enjoy this.

“Rumors ‘as it that some of the Slytherin seventh years are Death Eaters, or there parents are. It’s why they’ve been actin’ so bold. They’re exempt.” Seamus Finnegan said in a hushed tone from across the table. Neville gave a small nod, glancing back over at the students in question with a slight grimace. 

Both Crabbe and Goyle seemed rather pleased with themselves, gorging themselves on their food. Even several of the Slytherin girls seemed rather chipper- Especially Pansy Parkinson. My eyes narrowed in dislike for the girl. However long ago our fights were, I still hadn’t forgotten- nor forgave- her insults.

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