Chapter 55

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But first, food.

I sat in the kitchens, munching on a large batch of crepes that apparently were left over from breakfast. A cup of orange juice and a mug of coffee sat beside it, as I had been continually switching, the cold orange juice feeling good on my sore throat while the coffee was the only thing that was keeping me awake. The house elves had been accommodating, serving me with timid but genuine smiles.

The vial that had once held polyjuice potion now sat empty in the sink, drained of its blue-ish liquid. Once more I had sunk into the role of Alecia Longbottom, however grudgingly.

"Could we get an- Alecia!" Lavender's voice rose in surprise, and I looked up in time to see her step through the kitchen entrance, holding an empty pitcher. I smiled weakly.

"Hey, Lavender."

"Oh thank Merlin, you're alive!" She cried, running forward and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. I grimaced, patting her hand in an attempt of fondness. Her bone-crushing hug had my Sectumsempra wounds rubbing uncomfortably. Wanting to avoid reopening them, I leaned away, trying to smile.

"Of course I'm alive." I chuckled weakly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. When I realized it was behind my left ear though I quickly untucked it, no matter how much it bugged me. Thatcher had picked up on all my habits. Now I'd have to be more careful. I had to suppress a groan at the thought.

"Well of course, but- You're already standing! Thatcher made it sound like you were dying or something- A long recovery at least!"

"Well, Thatcher's obviously a liar." I muttered sourly, scowling as I moved to sit up. My body ached in protest. "I'm perfectly okay. I'm looking to speak with him, actually, so if you've seen him around-"

"He was in here this morning." Lavender said, her eyes wide. "Looked like hell, you know. I think he was on at least his fifth cup of Firewhisky."

"Never pegged him for a drinker." Though after last night, anyone would, I added as an after thought, mentally sighing. Lavender shrugged indifferently.

"Neither did I. But people are surprising. C'mon, lets get you back to the common room- I'm sure everyone wants to see you!" She said, linking her arm in mine and all but forcing me to follow after her, the empty pitcher left forgotten in the kitchens as we walked down the halls.

"I- How many people? Are you all having breakfast?" I asked as we walked, grimacing. Lavender nodded quickly.

"Oh, yes- We snuck in some of Hufflepuff house, too. You think the Carrows would notice after awhile- Especially with their whole 'No big groups' thing or whatever, but here we are, all enjoying breakfast on a fine Sunday."

"Yeah. Odd." I hummed. Lavender stopped us in front of the portrait, said the password and quickly lead me inside. The common room was crowded- People sat on the couches and on the floor, eating and talking. I could see Neville talking to Ernie Macmillan, while Ginny, Parvati, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones were talking on the couch.

I was desperately hoping to sneak through- maybe people were wrapped up enough in their own conversations that I could go to my dorm and relax for a little awhile. But Neville glanced up at the right moment and caught sight of me, eyes widening in surprise. I watched as he excused himself from the conversation before walking over, moving past a small group of huddled second years and wrapping his arms around me without a word.

"Gentle, Neville." I said, my voice tight despite my small laugh. "I'm still a little woozy."

"I heard what happened- Baneberry potion, right?" He asked, pulling back and gripping my shoulders gently. "Are you okay? The way Thatcher made it sound-"

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