Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


The next few weeks were fine, awkward at times, but fine. I avoided Draco at all costs, and he avoided me, too. Harry was now almost always by my side, glaring at any boy that passed my way except for Ron and Neville. 

"You know, you're not going to make very many friends if you keep glaring at people like that." I said, but Harry waved me off, turning to me.

"I just want to make sure you stay safe." He smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, I am safe." I reminded him as we walked into potions, I kept my head down, passing the Slytherin side and walking over to a desk with Harry. Slughorn beamed.

"Well, let's get started, shall we?" He asked, to no response. After a moment he started speaking again, and I saw Harry pull out an old tattered book.

"Harry!" I hissed, and he turned to me. I held out my hand.

"Can I see the book?" I asked, and he thought for a moment before nodding. Flipping it open, I studied the ingredients lists and instructions, all adjusted, someone's hand writing all over the book. Nodding, I jumped when Professor Slughorn called my name.

"Miss. Potter?" He asked, and I looked up.

"Yes professor?" I asked, and he looked at me for a moment before smiling.

"Minerva was quite right, your eyes are like your Aunt's. Anyways, can you tell me what potion we're making?" He asked, and I turned to the goblet that was pale, almost opal pink. I gaped.

"That's Amortentia. Love potion." I realized, and Professor Slughorn nodded.

"Very good, ten points to Gryffindor! Now, Amortentia is a very strong love potion, that smells different to each person. Miss. Potter, can you tell me why that is?"

"It smells what's most attractive to that person, sir." I said, and Slughorn nodded.

"Thank you, Miss. Potter, very good indeed, another ten to Gryffindor. Today, we'll be making amentoria. The ingredients are in front of you, get started!" He cheered, and I started reading things off the list, Harry carefully placing them inside the cauldron.

"Here, hand me the book." I muttered, grabbing the Half Blood Prince's potions book and leafing through it till I found Amortentia. We stuck with those ingredients, and I grinned as the potion turned to a mother-of-pearl color. Taking a small smell, I smiled. Fresh air, freshly baked cookies and something faintly vanilla... I could've sworn I smelt it before, but I couldn't place it.

"Smells good, huh?" I asked, and Harry nodded. Standing up, I put part of the potion into a test tube and handed it in.

"Very good, Ms. Potter! Very good, indeed! Perhaps you have inherited your Aunt's knack for potions, even if she isn't a blood relative. Very good, my dear." Slughorn applauded as I walked back to my seat, my eyes meeting Draco's for a split second before we both looked down, and I took my spot next to Harry.

"Thanks for the help." Harry hissed over to me, and I nodded.

"No problem."


Later that day I walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table, slinging my bag down to my right.

"Hey Neville." I greeted, and Neville nodded, turning back to his food and looking quite glum. 

"What's the matter?" I asked, and Neville frowned.

"Nothing, really. I just don't feel well." He shrugged, and I nodded.

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