Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

“Thanks for letting me stay in your room tonight, Lily.” Hermione told me as she rolled out her sleeping bag on the floor next to me. I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, watching.

“It’s nothing.” I smiled softly, running a hand through my hair as I slumped against the wall. I had gotten plenty of sleep last night, but I still felt like all the energy had been zapped out of me- Not that it mattered much- I had too much on my mind to get to sleep.

“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” I asked quietly, and Hermione gave a small nod, eyebrows creasing.

“Of course, but the Order has taken all precautions. We should be fine.”

And I’m sure they would’ve, had it not been for me. I was perfectly aware that the advice I had given them- to leak a fake date- was near useless. After the meeting I had returned to my room, feeling guilty. But things, when they could, had to stay the same. By offering actual advice, it could change the path of the future, and we could lose even more people than we would’ve originally. 

I have had this conversation with Draco before, him being one of the only people I could openly talk to. He, in someway, had understood. I hadn’t been able to tell him much, but he didn’t ask me to. Instead, he would press his lips to my temple and tell me that whatever I knew was right- Not felt, not hoped, but knew- would be the right thing to do. Even if it involved death. I had cried that night.

But I could not find tears now.

Instead, I curled up in my bed, burying my head in my pillow. It wasn’t even that late, but I was ready for the day to end. It had been a long one, and I was ready for a new start. I didn’t look up as I felt Hermione sit on the side of the bed, her hand resting lightly on my back.

“Are you alright?” She asked softly, and letting out a quiet sigh I rolled over, looking up at her with a weak smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine. You should get some sleep- You have a busy day tomorrow.” I said, and Hermione smiled slightly, giving a small nod.

“Alright. But if you want to talk, or anything- I am here. Really.” Hermione said before sliding off my bed, curling up into her own makeshift bed, stretching before slumping back onto the mattress of couch cushions. Though she didn’t say much, Hermione’s words relaxed me slightly. Smiling peacefully, I closed my eyes.

“Thanks, Mione.

“No problem.”


The next morning was hectic. 

The kitchen, currently smelling of toast and oatmeal, was crammed with Order members.  Most of the Order was here, I noticed as I walked downstairs, surveying the crowd. Looking for a familiar face, I sighed in relief when I caught sight of George standing in line for breakfast, and carefully I snuck into line next to him, lightly bumping his shoulder with mine.


He jumped when I spoke, looking down with surprise before he smiled, throwing his arm loosely around my shoulder and pulling me into a quick hug, ruffling my hair. “Morning Lily.”

I smiled amusedly, shaking my head with a quiet laugh as I quickly tried to smooth down my hair. He grinned at me, batting my hands away to do it himself as he spoke, patting my head lightly when he was done.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Well enough.” I said honestly, giving a small shrug as we slowly moved forward in line. The smell of bacon joined the others, and I let out a heavenly sigh before turning my attention back to George, looking up at him curiously. “Where’s Fred?”

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