Chapterlette 16

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Chapterlette 16

Waking up, I stretched before stepping out of bed. Hermione was already gone, as was Lavender, while Parvati was staring out the window, looking somewhat troubled.

“Parvati?” I asked, and the girl jumped before looking at me, breaking out into a small smile.

“Oh, morning Lily.”

“Morning. What’s the matter?” I asked, and Parvati looked a little bit reluctant in answering  before she sighed.

“It’s Lavender.”

“Ah. Explain.” I said, sitting next to her. Parvati took a deep breath before beginning.

“It’s just, now that she’s dating Ron I never see her anymore. She’s always with him, and usually they’re...busy. I just feel kinda left behind.” Parvati shrugged, and I nodded, trying to be sympathetic. I was never good at advice.

“It’s ok. Things will get better, I promise. Are you going to Hogsmeade today?” I asked, and Parvati nodded.

“Yup. I’m going with Seamus.” 

“Then have fun.” I smiled before disappearing into the bathroom to change. Dressing in jeans, a long-sleeved black shirt with Mrs. Weasley’s sweater over it, thick socks, a scarf, and boots I was ready to face the cold winter snow. The freedom was nice, as I had been cramped in the castle for the past couple days. Snape had gone into overdrive, determined that after Draco's last attempt that I never be near the youngest Malfoy. He was certainly living up to his role as godfather, and I wasn't sure if I found his insistance at my protection annoying or endearing. It was somewhere in between, really.

I made my way through the halls of school until I reached outside, my boots making prints in the white snow. Slowly but surely I made my way to Hogsmeade, wanting catching up with Ron, Harry and Hermione. They had left sometime before me, after I had promised to catch up later.

“Hey guys.” I greeted as I approached them. Hermione smiled at me, avoiding eye contact with Ron. The two were still skirting around each other, Hermione annoyed at Ron before droning on about Lavender and Ron wary of Hermione's annoyance. 

“Hey Lily.” Harry smiled, draping an arm over my shoulders and pulling me into a small hug. He was rarely affectionate with me, but I appreciated it when he was. We were family after all, and now in more ways than one.

“How’s your day been?” Hermione asked as we walked along, and I shrugged.

“It’s been good.”

“I think it’s been great. Dumbledore told me earlier that Sirius was adopting us.” Harry grinned widely, and I gave a small laugh, nodding enthusiastically. 

“Ok, so today is better then some others, but-” I started, cut off by two girls walking up, one holding a package gingerly in her gloved hands.

“Lily? This is for you.” Katie said, handing a package out towards me. Without thinking I took it from her, realizing my mistake too late as my hand touched the hole in the package. The stone of the cursed necklace glinted in the pale light as my eyes fogged over, and I felt myself collapse to the ground. I could feel my body moving without my consent, back arching and arms clawing at the snow. It didn't feel cold.

“Help! Profesor!” A voice shrieked- Hermione, maybe?- before my ears fell deaf and I was lost, no feeling, no sight, and no hearing. The last thing I remember is the ear-shattering scream escaping  my lips before I fell completely unconscious, lost in a completely new kind of hell.

Okay, so this doesn't really qualify as a chapter. But here it is... Comment, Review and Fan!! Luv ya, Lils 

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