Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I was lying on my bed at Grimmauld, my hands behind my head as i looked up at my ceiling, my ipod’s music blaring in my ears.

‘And that's why I smile, It's been a while since every day and everything has felt this right and now you turn it all around and suddenly you're all I need, the reason why I smile.....’

I sighed, looking over at my clock. 7:00PM. Dinner would be soon, and with a house full of boys and Order members, it would be gone as soon as any food item would become available. Meanwhile, I was starting to get nervous. It was nearly March, with Ron’s birthday coming up,I had to work fast. 

“LILY!” I heard Mrs. Weasley’s voice yell from downstairs, and I turned off my ipod, sitting up as she continued. “DINNER’S READY!!”

“COMING!” I yelled back, hopping off my bed and racing downstairs, nearly running into Harry.

“Woa!” He laughed, stopping me from running into a wall. I grinned slightly.

“Sorry cuz. Trying to get to dinner before it’s gone.”

“I know what you mean.” Harry said, smiling grimly as Fred and George Weasley walked out of the kitchen with full plates. Hurriedly we both ran into the kitchen, bikering over amounts of food before we joined the large group in the living room.

Caiden was talking with Mad-Eye Moody by the fireplace, while Remus and Sirius were sitting on the couch talking about past happenings and memories. Kingsley, Tonks and Bill Weasley were laughing and talking on the far side of the room, while Mrs. Weasley was with Professor McGonagle. I saw Snape in the corner, and before I could stop myself I walked over, sitting down across from him.

“Hey Professor.” I said cheerfully, and Snape sent me a skeptical look.

“What are you doing?”

“Uh, eating?” I suggested, biting into my food. Snape rolled his eyes.

“Not that, I mean sitting next to me? I believe we discussed the fact that I am your godfather would be better to remain unknown.”

“And that’s still what I think. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t sit next to my favorite potions professor, can I?”


I scowled at him.

“Geez. Somebody’s cranky today.”

“Beg your pardon?”

“You heard me.” I smirked slightly, and Snape rolled his eyes.

“This is exactly never wanted your father to have kids. You’re just like him.”

“Uh... thanks?” I said weakly, frowning slightly before I rested my chin on my hands.

“Tell me about him. My dad. When he was here, I mean.” I shrugged, and Snape sighed.

“Must I?”

“You must.” I said in all seriousness. Snape stared at me for a moment before starting.

“Your father was an exceptionally bright man, despite his family roots. Clever, quick quitted, highly ambitious, despite him being a squib. He would’ve been a Slytherin for sure, had he gone to Hogwarts. Maybe a Ravenclaw. He easily could’ve been both. He was a genius, full of ideas.” Snape said, and I nodded, taking everything in.

“I am not fully aware of how he came to be in the Dark Lord’s ranks- before then I had only seen him every now and then when I saw the Potter’s shopping at Diagon Alley. Skinny boy, dark brown hair and dark green eyes- not quite as bright as yours. But when I did meet him I was impressed. He had a sense of power and control about him, confidence that many others lacked in the presence of the dark lord.

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