Chapter 63

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lt ended up that I had started something similar to a rivalry with Pansy Parkinson that day.

Not that it was the first time, of course.

I never missed the tiny sneers or not-so-subtle glares I'd receive in classes and out of them, the way she'd somehow manage to slam her shoulder so roughly into my arm that my books would fly out of my hands and land in a messy pile on the floor.

It didn't help that she seemed overly attached to my boyfriend, either.

Again, not for the first time.

But at least I knew why Draco would keep himself in the center of the wall that was Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. Pansy was usually less apt to approach him when he was with those two. Though she seemed to understand that none of them particularly liked her, but instead of driving her away, seemed to make her even more determined to make them love her. Apparently Theo pushed her away often though. It made me develope a fondness for the Slytherin that I would deny instantly if anyone happened  say something.

I could see her now as we sat in Dark Arts(There was no point in adding the 'Defense against' bit. It was just a formality and waste of breath these days), waiting as Amycus paired us up with someone. Inevitably, the following hour would involve pain and some form of humilation on any Gryffindor's part. I grimaced as Neville was paired up with Tracey Davis, a scrawny but talented witch who, while perhaps not as vicious as Pansy, certainly had a nasty streak. I frowned when it was Lavender who ended up with Pansy, but seflishly I was glad it wasn't me.

"Longbottom!" I winced as my name was called out, and I looked up at Amycus with a frown, waiting patiently for my fate to be sealed. Amycus narrowed his eyes for a moment before he spoke. "You'll be partnered with Nott. Nott! Nott, get over 'ere."

I wasn't sure if I felt relief or annoyance as Theo glanced up from his desk, then at me, then shrugged before walking over, his gaze cool.

"Hello, Brownie."

"Hello, Theo." I sighed with a frown, even as he casually leaned back against my desk. I sighed, grimacing at the apologetic look Neville gave me. I shrugged back. Theo wasn't as bad as it could've been. The last pair to be made was Seamus and Thatcher, Amycus barking out orders as soon as he had finished. The desks were pushed to the side clumsily, leaving just enough room for several circles to be drawn on the floor by Amycus, each one glowing a faint blue when he finished.

"Pairs into the circles." He barked, and everyone readily obeyed. I stepped inside, taking in the small area quickly- clear space, and just enough room for two people but not enough for it to not be considered crowded. I didn't like it, and by the scowl Theo was wearing, neither did he.

"Do we really have to stay so close to our partners? I don't want to get dirt on me." Theo complained, looking to Amycus after shooting me a dirty look. Amycus ignored him, while I rolled my eyes, twirling my wand steadily between my fingers.

"Shut up and deal with it, Nott." I snarked, jumping when Amycus shouted loudly at the class. Everyone looked away from their partners and to the Death Eater. He had his wand out, face flushed.

"You'll be dueling till one of you can't." He instructed. "No retreating. No stunning. Your spells are limited to the three 'Unforgivables', though if you do kill your opponent, punishment will be handed out accordingly." Amycus said in a dull tone, as if the idea of a deathless class was boring. It was probably just a formality anyway. I meanwhile was staring with wide eyes. No way in hell would I participate in this. I moved to step out of the circle, ready to head for the door when something slammed into my face, throwing me backwards rather forcefully. I could hear Amycus cackle.

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