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Chris' POV
Flashback continues...

- No - I state without taking my eyes off her and I'm not even pretending otherwise. I'm undeniably mesmerized by her beauty and I want her to know so. I study her face running my stare from her bright blue eyes to her full rosy lips. She gives me a shy smile and I can't help but do the same. This girl is really something else. -

- Well, Chris Martin, this is Dakota Johnson - Derek hurriedly introduces us while gesticulating with his hands - Dakota, Chris

Dakota Johnson... her name sounds familiar. I have heard about her but I have definitely never laid my eyes on this gorgeous creature. She still has that secretive smile on her face as she politely extends her hand to shake mine. I wrap my fingers around hers and her skin is soft and warm. I lean forward to kiss both her cheeks because a handshake from her is not enough for me. She smells amazing. As I step back, I quickly scan her body and she is wearing a long sleeve floral dress with a plunging neckline. It fits her like a glove and thanks to that cleavage I can get a glance of her pale flawless skin. My eyes meet hers again and she's looking back at me.

- Nice to meet you, Dakota - I utter and I love the way she smirks when I say her name - I apologize. I've heard about you but I'm pretty sure we have never met before. Have we?

- No, we haven't. We have lots of friends in common though because I also know who you are - she responds with a melodic calm voice -

- I'm shocked you guys didn't know each other! - Derek intervenes - We had dinner with Gwyneth last year, didn't we? - he continues and I'm still hypnotized by Dakota who nods to what Blasberg just said. I find myself desperately thinking of a way to take her away from here. I'm craving to discover if her personality matches her beautiful physic. Besides, my ex has just been mentioned and I don't want the conversation to turn about her. I'm not interested in Gwyneth, I'm interested in Miss Johnson standing in front of me.

- Would you like to join me for a drink in the bar? - I suddenly enquire looking at her. I feel Derek's reaction of complete shock beside me but I ignore him as I wait for Dakota's answer to my invitation. She seems taken by surprise at first but she rapidly recovers -

- Sure - she murmurs with an amused expression and I just want to jump for joy. Yes! I offer my arm and she wraps hers around mine as I proudly walk her to the bar.

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