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Chris' POV
October 14th, 2021

I can't sleep. I am still agitated after the conversation we just had. It was too much time keeping it all inside. I feel lighter now knowing everything is perfectly fine between us but the memory of the sorrow I experienced for days has me wide awake. I look at Dakota who is sound asleep curled up around me. One of her legs is between mine, her arm is on my stomach and her head is resting on my shoulder while her peaceful breathing tickles my skin. I close my eyes and I run my fingers through her long soft hair thinking back to days ago when I found out she was in London.

October 8th, 2021

It is 8 PM, Phil is talking nonstop and I am completely disengaged with what is being said in the room. The band is in a meeting about our performance at the Shepherd's Bush Empire next Tuesday but I haven't had much sleep and the only thing I care about right now is receiving a text from Dakota. She has only texted me once; four days ago on her birthday. I sent her a flower arraignment because I know how much she loves them and she contacted me briefly just to say thanks. She didn't even mention anything about the card that came with it. There's a knock and Kim puts her head round the door. She never interrupts so I am immediately questioning myself about what she's come to say. I nod and she walks towards me looking... pleased? A shiver runs down my spine and my hands get sweaty when she leans forward and whispers in my ear: DJ is here in London.

Only thirty minutes later, my car is parked outside the hotel Kim has discovered Dakota is staying at. I make it to her room with the hesitant help of her assistant who has let me know she is by herself inside. I run my hand through my hair nervously and put my beanie back on before finally taking enough courage to knock. The door opens and I lay my eyes on her after what it has felt forever. She is barefoot, wearing only her bathrobe and has her long hair all wet. She looks at me in disbelief and I look back at her waiting for a reaction. This can go anywhere because Dakota is the most unpredictable person in this world. She always keeps me guessing so I am completely taken by surprise when she throws herself at my arms.

I barely manage to hold her tight so we both don't fall to the floor. She grasps her legs around my hips, her arms around my neck and her lips are instantly on mine. I enter the hotel room and blindly close the door behind me with my foot because I am lost on the intensity of Dakota's kiss. Her hands are on my cheeks holding me still while she fully attacks my mouth. I sit on the closest furniture with her on my lap as I feel tears on her face and whisper through her constant kisses that we need to talk... but she doesn't stop. She clearly wants to connect with me right now on a more carnal level and I have missed every aspect of her so much that I am not denying us this moment. I untie her bathrobe and as I suspected, she is completely naked underneath. She smells fresh from the shower and as amazing and sweet as she always does. God! I missed her scent. I leave her mouth and start sucking on her breasts while grabbing her tight by the waist and hearing her moan. Oh! Those soft noises she makes have been replaying on my head all these weeks.

- I have missed you so much, baby - I mutter with my face buried on her chest while I slowly go inside of her. She tightens the grab of her hands on my shoulders and responds with a soft groan without opening her eyes - I can't live without you, Dakota

I notice there is a mirror in front of the armchair we are in. I rapidly turn her around so she is facing it, too. I am fully clothed and she is gorgeously naked on top of me. She puts her hands on my knees, starts to move and I feel drunk and high because of her delicious rhythm and the sight of us in the mirror which is nothing but really appealing and exhilarating. Our gazes meet in the looking glass and I hold her still grabbing her by the waist and neck. Her back is now completely resting on my chest.

- You're so beautiful - I whisper on her ear - but look at us - I start to swing my hips up and down making her cry out. I can see myself on the reflection going in and out of her... and so can she - Look at us, baby. We are perfect together. My life lacks purpose without you, you're my other half

She moans loudly and closes her eyes. I know those pink cheeks, those lips pressed together... that expression on her face is telling me she is close. I run my hand down her body and caress her to make her come. She lets herself go without delay while I mumble that I love her and watch the mind-blowing scene through the mirror.

- Tell me you forgive me - I plead and plant soft kisses on her collarbone and shoulder without stop moving my hips - tell me you're taking me back

- I do - she finally utters words while gasping for breath - ...and I love you

• • • • •

We are lying in bed after the second round. There hasn't definitely been much talking just an endless demonstration of how much we needed and missed each other. Her back to my front while I breathe in her wet hair. We're naked underneath the white sheets and I caress her ear with my nose and give her butterfly kisses on the neck.

- What has brought you to London? - I softly enquire -

- I have an interview tomorrow for Deadline Contenders... nobody is supposed to know I am here - she sounds exasperated but amused at the same time -

- Luckily I found out - I smirk and bite her earlobe making her shudder - I wasn't going to miss this opportunity

- I could see that

- What's on your agenda after tomorrow?

- Nothing until Wednesday... why?

- I heard the other day that there's a Nick Cave's concert on Sunday - I comment gently. We already went to a Cave's gig in Tel Aviv back when we started dating. She was so happy that night...that is one of the many sweet memories I treasure of us. She turns her head and two blue eyes slightly stare at me -

- Do you have tickets?

- I don't - I smile at her - but I can get us in. Would you like to go with me? I'll wear a suit and everything if you do - I wink and she smiles -

- I'd love to go anywhere with you

- I'd love to go anywhere with you

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