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Dakota's POV

My memories of Chris Martin didn't do him justice. I take a sip of red wine as I study him sitting next to me on the couch in my living room and he's definitely more handsome and taller than I remembered. The man is 6ft of pure charisma and wit so I've been inevitably mesmerized by him since he got here earlier this evening. He's resting his arm behind my head on the back of the sofa and I find pretty surprising how assured I feel around him when technically, we barely know each other. I'm even surprised I invited him to come over when I don't usually let anyone in my house but I don't regret it one bit as I'm having the best time. We haven't stopped chatting since he crossed the door because we really find easy to talk to each other. I actually have tears in my eyes and my belly hurts from laughing so hard at his funny remarks.

I drink the rest of wine in my glass and lean forward to put it on my bamboo table in front of us. Zeppelin is lying at our feet while Chicken is playing with his toy near the fireplace. As I sit back, I notice that Chris has cautiously gotten closer to me so If I move my left thigh an inch, I'll be touching his. I look up at him and he's sipping from his glass while glancing down at me in a way that suddenly makes me feel all hot and bothered. There's an electricity in the air between us as we remain silent and hold each other's stare. I shift in my seat a little and provocatively run my eyes down his body and back to his face. I subtly bite my lower lip and he sighs in response. He leans over me and I instantly let a low pant out. His body completely covers mine as he places his glass on top of the table as well. When I think he is leaning back to sit properly, his lips abruptly crash into mine and he kisses me avidly before I'm even able to react.

I breathe heavily while kissing him back as Chris puts his hand on my hip and attracts me to him. I place both my arms around his neck and raise on my knees to straddle him while I capture his lower lip with my teeth and bite him hard. He moans loudly and squeezes my behind while he keeps kissing me in a manner which clearly gives away he's been wishing this to happen for a really long time... and honestly, so have I. The conversation we had the night we met has been replaying in my mind continuously and it feels surreal that we're here now, having this moment. He unexpectedly pulls my hair so my head is pushed back, exposing my neck, where he starts a trail of short sweet kisses from my ear to my collarbone. I'm so turned on and I can undoubtedly feel he is, too. I help him to take the sweatshirt he's wearing off and he throws it behind me which causes the glasses on the table to fell to the floor.

Both of us suddenly open our eyes and the dreamy moment ends up for a second. I exhale deeply trying to catch my breath while he rests his forehead on mine and puffs out. I giggle as he mutters he's sorry and smiles shyly. I get up and go to get the dustpan and a groom to pick the shattered glasses from the rug. When I come back to the living room, he has opened the backyard door and is ushering Zeppelin and Chicken out. Good idea! I don't want their little paws to get injured.

He takes both things off my hands and starts to clean the mess himself. He looks flustered which makes me smirk because I feel the same way. I step into the dining room and gather all of our dirty dishes and take them to the sink. I hear Chris also coming into the kitchen and the room is so small that I'm wide aware of his presence. I don't turn to look at him and place my shaky hands on the counter. He stands behind me and puts his large hands over mine. I close my eyes and feel his whole body against mine while he caresses my ear with his nose, then gently bites my earlobe and whispers: Where were we?

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