Chapter 1

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Tara Tonks, aged sixteen, was a Hufflepuff soon-to-be sixth year student. She lived with her parents and older sister and had three best friends outside of her house, Lee Jordan, Fred Weasley and George Weasley.

She was sat in her room, reading, when her sister knocked on the door.

Her sister was five years older than her, an auror and hated being called by her first name, Nymphadora. So as a result she was called Dora at home and Tonks outside of the house.

Tara looked up, "Hey"

"Mum wants me to make sure you packed everything" Dora said, opening Tara's trunk, which sat at the foot of Tara's bed.

"Don't" groaned Tara, getting up and putting her book down, "You'll only mess it up, like everything you touch"

"Oh thanks" Dora replied sarcastically, "You give me so much love"

Tara rolled her eyes and sat down next to her sister and together they went through the trunk, Dora pulled stuff out and Tara put it back in a somewhat orderly fashion.

"Are you looking forward to spending the Summer at your bestfriends' house?" Dora asked, picking up a jumper and throwing it on the floor

"Yeah" Tara replied, picking the jumper back up and folding it properly, "Why? Going to miss me?" She teased

"I could never miss you" Dora retorted

Tara laughed, her sister was probably one of the most amusing people she had ever come across, well to her she was anyway.

Tara and Dora were both very close, some say it's because of the age gap- when Tara was twelve Dora was seventeen and an adult which made it a bit harder to find something to argue over. Or it could be because Tara had only been a part of the family since she was twelve, having been adopted after her birth father died.

Dora hit Tara's arm and told her to get back to work, making Tara only work slower to spite her sister.

After the two had sorted through everything, Tara stood up and stretched, "How was your first week as an actual auror?"

"It was fine" Dora shrugged,"Very boring"

"Oh, really?" Tara asked, "Isn't it supposed to be one of the highest ranking ministry jobs?"

"It is" Dora nodded, getting up also, "But I am only a first year. Just wait until you're in there as well"

Tara wanted to be an auror just like her sister, but not because of her but because she wanted to make sure the wizarding world was as safe as she could try to make it. Dark wizard catchers, or aurors, were extremely well-trained witches and (mostly) wizards, who had the tiring job of defending their world from magical threats.

"Oh shut up" Tara scoffed, throwing herself down on the bed, "Let's see if I pass my N.E.W.Ts first"

"Are you kidding me?" Dora grinned, "Tara you got eleven O's in your O.W.Ls last year. What subjects did you do again?"

"Runes, Astrology, DADA, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Muggle studies, History of magic, Herbology, alchemy and Arthimancy" Tara answered, listing them all off

"You're an over achiever, you know that?" Dora teased, sitting down on Tara bed beside her

Tara sat up, "Is that bad?"

"No" Dora answered, "I'm just afraid you'll spontaneously combust or something"

"Being near you has a higher chance of spontaneously combusting, you and your clumsiness" Tara smirked

Dora rolled her eyes before asking, "What did you keep on this year? Are you doing three, four, five, six or seven N.E.W.Ts?"

"Seven" Tara groaned, "I'm already regretting it"

The freak and the prankster (re-uploaded) Book 1/4Where stories live. Discover now