New Leaf

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I was moving from my hometown to Hawkins with my dad. My parents divorced and my mom wanted NOTHING to do with us. We had no choice but to move. My dad said he grew up in Hawkins when he was younger. He mentioned the high school being very active. I was going to be a junior, and school started a few days after we moved. I wasn't really excited to move, but hopefully I'd make new friends.

We finally moved into our house and got all settled. I sat on my bed in my room and looked at my desk in front of me. My dad (Zach) came in and knocked on the door even though it was open.
Z:"Hey sweetheart.. The neighbors just came over and invited us for dinner. Would you like to go?"
"Sure.. That would be fine."
I know I looked like a corpse. I was drained. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I threw on a little eye makeup and walked downstairs where my dad was patiently waiting. We walked over to the neighbors house, they lived on the left of us. My dad knocked and a teenage boy opened the door.
"MOM! THEY'RE HERE!" the boy yelled.
The mom came up to us, and welcomed us inside.
K: "Hello folks. My name is Karen, and this is my husband Ted. That was my son Mike, and I have two daughters, Nancy and Holly."
Z: "Nice to meet you. I'm Zach, and this is my daughter Y/N."
"Hi, Mrs.Wheeler." I said as I smiled softly. We sat at the dinner table, and made small talk.
M: "So you're going to Hawkins?"
"Yeah.. I am."
M: "What grade?"
"I'll be a junior."
M: "I'm going to be a sophomore!" He exclaimed back.
I smiled and looked at my plate. I wasn't very hungry, but I didn't want to be rude and NOT eat.
M: "Do you do anything for fun?"
K: "Stop pestering her!" Karen said sternly.
"He's okay! I play dungeons and drag-"
M: "YOU PLAY D&D!?" He asked, very excitedly.
"Yes, I sure do." I said with a quiet laugh.
M: "We have a D&D club at school you should join!"
"I think that would be fun." I said as I took a few more bites.
We finished dinner and went back home. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and my dad sat next to me and handed me a backpack for school full of supplies. Then he handed me two shopping bags.
"What is all this?"
Z: "All the stuff you'll need for school.. I went out a few days before we moved.. that way you'll be prepared."
"Thank you so much, dad!" I exclaimed as I gave him a hug.
My dad was very wealthy, and somehow managed to make it where my mom was paying child support. He said all of that money will go to me, for my choice of spending. I had a nice savings account already built up. I never really spent much of my money, I gave myself a budget each month.. I never really spoiled myself.
Z: "Well tomorrows Sunday.. your last day of freedom. Maybe you can explore the town?" He said with a small chuckle.
"I'd love too dad.. that would be great."
We finished watching our show and I went to bed.

My dad woke me up for breakfast. My dad knew I had a bad relationship with food, so he made my safe foods. On my plate were scrambled eggs with bacon, and one slice of toast with a small amount of peanut butter. I ate my breakfast, and drank a mug of coffee. My dad got dressed and we decided to get into my car so I could get familiar with the town. We drove around the whole town, which wasn't hard since it was so small. Finally we drove by a record store. I pulled into the parking lot and practically ran inside.
On the back wall was a lot of merchandise for lots of bands. There were a few shirts for Dio and a few Metallica shirts. I grabbed one of each, and looked at the bowls of pins. I had a small jean jacket I was working on. They also had patches! The patches would be perfect for my jacket. I grabbed a few patches and a few pins. I was juggling almost everything and someone came behind me.
"Hi there.. Could I help you hold a few things?"
"Uh.. yes.. if you don't mind?" I responded to the stranger.
E: "I wouldn't mind at all.. My name is Eddie. Are you new here?"
"Nice to meet you, Eddie. I'm Y/N. I am new, I go to Hawkins."
E: "No way! I do too! Maybe after your done shopping, we could get to know each other and I could show you around town?"
"I'd love too.. But my dad just showed me around, and I have lots of unpacking left. Maybe in the next few days?" I suggested.
E: "I think I can manage that, sweetheart."
I softly smiled and chose a few albums. The records were $6 each, patches were $4 and pins were $2. I was spending quite a bit considering my $200 budget.. It was sort of the middle of August and I hadn't spent any of my budget. So I was doing well.
I paid for everything and drove back home with my dad. When we got inside I showed my dad everything I bought and he smiled.
Z: "I sure taught you well, didn't I." He said as he gave me a side hug. I brought all of my stuff up to my room and got ready for bed. I set my outfit our for tomorrow and crawled into bed.

986 words

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