Happiness Starts With You

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I decided maybe it wasn't time.. but I wanted to lose my virginity.
"Are you okay.. if we do decide to have sex?"
G: "Like I said love, ball is in your court."
I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the box of condoms my dad bought. I threw off my shirt and pants leaving me in my bra and panties. Gareth looked up and down my body.
G: "You are.. gorgeous."
I climbed on top of Gareth slowly kissing his lips. After a few minutes of making out, I felt his bulge growing in his pants. I slowly grinded on him until he flipped me over, taking off his pants and boxers. I was already wet and horny, so he slowly slid his dick inside of me and we had sex. Gareth finished, but I didn't and that was okay. I was in a little pain since it was my first time. He also did pop my cherry, so there was some blood underneath me. Gareth got up and ran me a bubble bath. I walked into the bathroom a few moments later getting in. He helped me wash my back, and got me a change of clothes.
After my bath I went back to my room, and threw away the condom and the wrapper, making sure to wrap it up. Gareth was laying on my bed sketching in his sketch book.
About an hour later my dad came back home and came into my bedroom. Fuck. I totally forgot to put the condom box away. When I looked at my dad he looked at the box on my dresser and looked at Gareth, then looked at me. My face got bright red.
Z: "Sweetie, can I talk to you for a second?"
I had tears filling in my eyes, as I feel as if my dad was about to rip me a new one.
Z: "Did you guys.. uhm.."
"Dad. I'm sorry." I said as tears were streaming down my face.
Z: "Babygirl.. Why are you sorry?"
"I did have sex.."
Z: "That's okay dear.. Did you use a condom?"
Z: "Honey, calm down. I bought them for a reason."
My dad walked me into my room, and Gareth had a bright red face as well. I presumed he heard my dad and I's conversation. He came in my room and shut the door behind him, I know Claudia was downstairs.
My dad looked at Gareth, and looked at me.
Z: "I want you BOTH to be safe. With that being said, if you run out of condoms, tell me and I will buy more. You can even write a note if you're uncomfortable with verbally communicating. I'm not mad, just a little upset you both didn't wait. However, I was a teen once, and I cannot be mad."
He gave us both an assuring smile and walked out of my room.
G: "Are you okay, baby?"
"I'm more than okay.. I'm great, my love."
I gave Gareth a kiss on the cheek and curled up on his chest.
My dad was right, I should've waited. But I just couldn't.

It was finally the night of the dance. My dad got off work, and Claudia was going to help me with my hair. Dustin came over too, and my dad helped him get ready for the dance. He didn't have anyone, but still wanted to go. I think him and the rugrats were going together. Claudia made my hair look absolutely beautiful, and I did my makeup quite well. My dad cleaned up Dustin pretty good too.
C: "Would you two mind if I snapped a few photos of you?" Claudia asked.
Of course I didn't mind. I loved Dustin like a little brother.
We took a few side by side photos. In one of them I kissed Dustin's cheek and he tried to dodge it as he yelled out "COOTIES!". In the photo me and Dustin we're both smiling ear to ear. It was a great photo. Then finally there was a knock on the door, it was Gareth. Gareth came inside to the kitchen, where Claudia was eager to take more photos. Me and Gareth took a few more before we were ready to head out and take Dustin. It was a Friday night, and we knew we'd be hungry afterwards, so we planned on staying out late. We arrived at the dance and walked in looking for our friends. We found everyone and got into a big group. Me and Gareth we're sitting in the cafeteria taking a break when Jason came strutting up to us.
J: "So the freaks are sitting her alone? Seems like maybe this isn't the place for you two to be." He said as he scoffed.
"Seems like it's not the place for a stuck up jock and his 2 inch dick to be either." I snapped back.
Gareth's mouth dropped to the floor as Jason turned away calling me a bitch. I knew Gareth wanted to say something, but I stopped him. I didn't want him to cause a scene.
The dance was great, we even slow danced and had a nice kiss! We decided after the dance we would go to the dinner for a late night meal. We we're all hungry and exhausted.
It was me, Gareth, Dustin and Eddie eating at the diner. Once we finished, I thought we should all just stay the night at my house.
As I walked into my living room I saw my dad and Claudia kissing, and being a little handsy. Me and Dustin looked at each other and ran upstairs to my room. I'm not sure if we we're both pissed, upset, or what have you.
Me and Dustin sat on my bed looking at the floor. Our parents we're basically fucking! I mean, not really, but still. I think they we're getting to that point.
My dad and Claudia came busting into my room, not even knocking.
D: "What do you want?" Dustin snipped at his mother.
Z: "Honey, please let's talk."
I looked at my dad, and I think he could tell I was furious.
"You said you wouldn't be dating anyone for a long time! You and mom just divorced!" I yelled at my dad.
D: "Mom.. You promised me you wouldn't move on after dad died."
I placed my arm around Dustin and held him into my side.
Z: "Kids, please. Let us explain."
"I don't think there is anything to explain. Neither of you clearly can keep it in your pants." I said as I stood up.
My dad slightly pushed me and I felt onto my bed.
E: "HEY! DON'T FUCKING PUSH HER!" Eddie yelled at my dad.
Claudia grabbed my dads hand and said "Zach, stop. They have every right to be upset and malicious."
I ran out the bedroom door past everyone into the bathroom.

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