Locked In

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I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and fell to the floor in tears. I was having a full blown panic attack at this rate. I started screaming and profusely crying. My dad knew that sound too well. The last time I did this, I had the door locked and attempted an overdose. My dad broke down the door and took me to the hospital. This time was different. I left the door unlocked, and Eddie and Gareth came in.
Gareth picked me up placing me in his lap, and Eddie got a warm washcloth and a cup of cold water. Eddie gave me the water to sip on, and put the warm rag across my forehead. Gareth was running his hands through my hair and kept telling me I would be okay.
After about 20 minutes I calmed down. I was out of breathe and way too exhausted. Gareth grabbed me a set of clothes and left me to change. Once I got changed I started taking off my makeup, and my dad came in.
Z: "Do you want to talk?"
"Not really. Considering yo-"
Z: "Pushing you was wrong, I shouldn't of done that.. I've never put my hands on a woman I don't know what happened. I think I was just scared. I can't lose you."
"Dad.. what do you mean?"
Z: "When you stormed off it reminded me a lot of your mother.. but it also reminded me of when we told you we were divorcing.. and what happened in the bathroom. I think my mind was just running way too fast for me to keep up."
You know.. maybe my dad was right. Of course it wasn't right of him, but be hardly put any pressure. It was more of him trying to be a barrier and my clumsy ass bounced off of him.
I finished wiping off my makeup and he helped me take down my hair.
Z: "Your friends are still staying the night.. Uhm.. Would you mind if Claudia stayed?"
"I don't really have a choice." I said back. I was done with the entire conversation.
We had a 3 story house, and we were having the sleepover in our basement. The basement was finished and furnished, it was basically my hangout spot. I set up the 2 couches for everyone. They turned into pull out beds. Eddie and Dustin we're going to share one, and Gareth and I would share the other. We had a TV down there, so I thought turning a movie on would be relaxing. I sat down, and Eddie and Dustin we're still getting changed.
G: "Your dad told us what happened.."
"What do you mean?"
G: "Your attempt.." Gareth sat in silence.
"Honey.. I'm fine. Nothing happened this time."
G: "But that doesn't mean.. in the future."
I grabbed his hands, and held them firmly. I explained how now I am much better, and how things with my dad worked out. I overheard him and Eddie talking and my dad apologized to Eddie. Then, Claudia came downstairs.
C: "Could I have a minute alone with Y/N and Dustin?"
Gareth and Eddie nodded and went into a separate room downstairs.
C: "Maybe we should of talked to you two first.. But with love.. it's unexplainable. Me and Zach just clicked off the bat."
Me and Dustin just sat there.
"Out of all due respect Claudia, I don't think either of us are up to talking about it right now."
Claudia shook her head, kissed Dustin goodnight and went back upstairs. Dustin looked at me and said thank you.

Gareth crawled back into the makeshift bed with me and we snuggled up with each other, falling asleep shortly after.

I woke up, very groggy. I went to the bathroom and threw my hair into a messy bun. I still had yet to take my seats over to Alan's, and I have made no progress on the bus. I woke up Eddie asking if he could take me, and we'd split the profit.
E: "Why do we need to split the profit?"
"Cause you're using your gas to get us there..?"
E: "I'm not worried about that, sweetheart."
Eddie helped me load the seats and we drove to Alan's. I ended up getting $200 for the 2 rows. Me and Eddie drove about 5 miles out of town to this small shop. The shop basically sold recycled materials, or partially used materials. I was making a small platform in the back of the microbus to put a bed and a few shelves or a table to put stuff on. I was also going to put hidden compartments underneath the front row of seats for extra storage.
Eddie helped me bring in all the materials and woke up Gareth.
Gareth came out and helped me apply paint on the inside of the van. We wanted the paint job to be done first, and the we'd work on the floorboards. We got a few coats of paint put on, and I started building the hidden compartment for the seats. Gareth mainly did all the building of it. It was basically going to be a giant drawer that pulled out from the back of the seats. I of course did the painting. Me and Gareth we're in the garage for a few hours, working on the bus. I think we were both exhausted and we laid on the floor. I looked back at the van, and looked at Gareth. I wanted to do something special since we were building this van together. But I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.
Eddie and my dad walked in moments later with Claudia and Dustin.
E: "Well sweetheart, I'm going to take Gareth with me to get a few things, we'll be back."
Gareth and Eddie left the garage, and it was just my dad, Dustin, Claudia, and I.
Z: "We want to talk to you both about last night." I sat up, and Dustin sat on the ground next to me.
C: "I'm hoping we gave you some time to process."
Z: "Me and Claudia are wanting to take our relationship to the next step. But we want you two on the same page."
I looked at Dustin and we both shrugged.
D: "Nothing I saw will matter, so I don't care."
C: "Honey, what do you mean?"
D: "You've moved on from dad. It's your life, not mine."
Z: "Listen, son."
D: "DON'T call me that ever again." Dustin snapped back.
I grabbed his hand and he scooted closer to me leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Ultimately, it's your guys's decision.. we can't really change that." I replied standing up, dragging Dustin with me. I took Dustin to the back of the garage and asked him if he wanted to help me wash the seats. He agreed, as it would distract him from what was going on around us. I did a little section and showed him how to do it, while I picked through a box full of random stuff for the van. I wanted to add some curtains to the windows to spruce up the van. Give it a more at home vibe.
Finally Gareth and Eddie were back, and they came back with food.

1220 Words

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