On Stage

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I decided fuck it. We did a cover song to 'Seek and Destroy' by Metallica.
Gareth pulled up an extra stool and sat next to me. I was nervous. I had NEVER done this.
I looked into the sea of people. There were so many.
E: "Well everyone. We are having our drummer's girlfriend perform a song with us. She has some hidden talent!" Eddie said as the crowd cheered.
We played the song and I did well. I just closed my eyes and when I did open them i'd look at Gareth. I found my rhythm and went with it. We finished the song and the crowd cheered even louder. I went to walk off the stage back to my spot, and the crowd started screaming "WE WANT MORE OF HER!" Over and over. Eddie looked at me and handed me his guitar.
E: "Have at it, sweetheart." Eddie replied moving to the back of the stage. I looked at everyone, I had no idea what I was doing.
"Grant, what do you want to play?"
G: "Sweating bullets?"
"Fuck yeah!"
We started playing 'Sweating Bullets' by Mega Death. I did the same thing as before, shut my eyes and look at someone. This time I just looked at Grant.
We finished the song, and I was so extremely happy. I handed the guitar back to Eddie and went back to my spot finally. They finished up their set, and brought me back on stage as we closed the show.
We started packing everything up, and Eddie went to get the van to bring it up so we could load in everything.
Suddenly, a man came up to me. I was by myself on the stage while all the guys we're loading the heavy stuff.
"Hi. My name is Billy, I think you looked pretty hot up on stage." He said slurring his words.
I gave him a half ass smile and continued packing up.
B: "If you're free after this, come back to my place and shred your hands over a different shaft." He said while laughing.
"I'm in a relationship. Please leave me alone." I responded in a serious town.
B: "Come on, baby, just this once." He said while grabbing my wrist.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME, CREEP!" I yelled as all the guys walked back in.
Eddie ran over and grabbed Billy.
E: "Billy! LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" Eddie yelled as he pushed him away. Gareth came and grabbed me and held me.
G: "Babe. Are you okay?"
"Yes, baby. I'm okay, just shocked is all." I responded while hugging him back.
Gareth explained who Billy was and how he always acted like that. I was disgusted.
We left the bar, and I drove back home, saying goodbye to Gareth at the bar.
I walked into my house and threw myself on the couch. I laid there for a second and heard.. my dad grunting. And then I realized what was happening, I wanted to vomit.
I walked out to the back, slamming the door loud enough for them to hear I was home. We had a small shed in our backyard where I smoked. I smoked a joint, and actually savored it.
I went back inside and saw my dad in the kitchen, he looked embarrassed.
Z: "I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be home."
"I'll make sure next time you hear me and Gareth."
Z: "Oh stop! That's gross!" He said making fake gagging sounds.
I walked upstairs to my room laughing hysterically.

I woke up to my dad pounding on my bedroom door.
"Dad! What the fuck!" I said as I opened the door
Z: "You didn't tell me you were playing last night!"
"I didn't even know I was going to! It just happened!"
Z: "The news is covering it."
I ran downstairs, and got down there just in time. My dad saw the preview that they were covering it.
"Hawkins students make a breakthrough with their band Corroded Coffin. Citizens say the band is made up of 4 men and 1 woman. Jeff, Eddie, Grant and Gareth, and Y/N. This was the first show they had that had more than 5 people attend said the local bar owner."
I was in shock. There was no way they covered this. Then they interviewed people who were at the show.
"The drummer and his girlfriend give me faith that love is real."
"The guitarists seem like real genuine people."
"I didn't know I could like a small band this much."
"I wish I saw more songs! They need to do more shows."
"I hope to see them back soon!"
I ran to the phone and went to call Eddie, but the phone started ringing.
E: "Hello?"
E: "Fuck yeah! That's why I called!"
I invited everyone in Corroded Coffin over.
J: "Should we make the shows weekly instead of bi-weekly?"
E: "Definitely."
"Maybe we could take some polaroids of you and make little posters for the bar to hangup so people know?"
G: "Yes" Gareth responded.
We talked through a few different ideas, and went to Gareth's house. Eddie brought his camera and I was getting ready to take the pictures.
G: "Y/N, what are you doing?" Gareth asked as I backed up making sure they were all in frame.
"Taking pictures of you guys.."
E: "Uhm. You're apart of the band too ya know!" Eddie said.
I froze.
"Guys. Come on. I played TWO songs."
G: "You have a lot of talent.." Grant said
"What would I even play?"
J: "You could swap out with us halfway through the show?" Jeff suggested.
"I mean.. I guess I could."
Gareth grabbed his mom to take the pictures of us. Luckily, I had one of my guitars at Gareth's house, and used that to pose with.
It was nice being able to find a hobby with Gareth.

998 words

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