I love you.

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G: "Baby. Please. Please just listen to me. I cannot lose you. I seriously can't."
"You could've done something, Gareth!" I yelled at him.
He looked at me with tears in his eyes.
G: "I love you."
G: "I love you with every fucking ounce in my body, Y/N. I want NO ONE but you." Gareth said grabbing my hand.
I looked at him.. he was right. Stephanie's brother is a raging prick who would've tried to beat him into the ground:
"I love you more." I responded.
Gareth had a sigh of relief, and we stayed in the stairwell the rest of class.
Lunch finally rolled around the corner and I sat down at the table. My dad packed me a lunch today. Eddie saw us sitting down and smiled as he walked over.
E: "Lovebirds!" he exclaimed while sitting down. As I look up I see Jason walking over to our table. What the fuck did he want.
J: "So Garrett, or whatever the fuck your name is. You really want to be a dick to my sister?" Jason said aggressively.
Fuck this.
"You and your sister need to grow the fuck up, and stop bullying people who did nothing to you. Sure, we're the freaks, we're the nerds. But in 10 years time we will be successful while your stupid basketball career goes downhill, and your sisters cheerleading career is going to stop by next year because she'll probably get pregnant because she's a fucking whore!" I yelled, causing all eyes to draw towards us.
J: "What did you saw about my sister?"
"I said she's a FUCKING WHORE. Trying to steal Gareth from me? Gareth doesn't want to be with a sick BITCH like her." I said getting up close to Jason.
Jason took his arms out from his sides and I made direct eye contact.
"I dare you to put your hands on me." I said, loud enough for everyone to hear. That's when Stephanie came running behind Jason.
S: "STOP! Bullying people isn't worth it anymore, and I don't want to be apart of your games anymore Jason. You're a prick!" All eyes were now on them, so I turned away.
Eventually the principal came walking in and pulled Jason, Stephanie and I into the principals office. We basically all got a slap on the wrist and that's it.
I finished my day and was walking to my car, and felt someone tap me on the back. It was Stephanie. I jumped back, and she almost looked upset.
S: "I'm not going to hurt you! In all honestly, you would literally win in a fight against me. I'm just sorry for the whole Gareth thing.. Jason put me up to it. I should've stood up to him.. but I was scared."
"Scared of your own brother?"
S: "Yes.. he's.. he's not exactly abusive, but he isn't re-"
I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to my car. I drove to the park down the street and we got out.
"Does he hit you?"
S: "Not really.. He has a few times.."
"Do your parents know?"
S: "Of course not! They are literally so proud of Jason.. and never me."
"Steph.. You can't stay in a household like that. You have to say something."
S: "I actually talked to the school counselor.. And i'm actually going to stay with my boyfriend for a few days."
"Whose your boyfriend?"
S: "Patrick.. but no one really knows, so please dont say anything."
I dropped Stephanie off at Patrick's house and drove to my house and saw Gareth waiting for me. I explained it all to Gareth and was really relieved to know she had no feelings for Gareth. Not that she ever would anyways.
I took Gareth for a spin in the Cuda, and we walked back into the garage. Then I remembered the brand! I told Gareth to climb in the back, and I would be back in a few. I heated up the brand, and ran over when it was ready.
"Close your eyes and give me your hand!" I said.
I took his hand and pressed it down under mine and pushed the brand onto the floor. Gareth opened his eyes and looked at me with confusion. Finally, I let go and went to put the brand down. When I came back, Gareth was smiling profusely.
G: "I fucking love it!" He shouted.
"And I fucking love you." I said back as I smiled.
We laid in the bus for about 30 minutes.
I sat up and looked at him. He had fallen asleep. He was so cute. I'm not sure how he managed to fall asleep on the hardwood, but it made me smile.
I gently shook him waking him up.
"Hey babe.. Why don't you lay in my bed?" I asked him as he rubbed his eyes
G: "Shit.. Did I fall asleep?"
"Yes. Yes you did." I grabbed his hand and brought him to my bedroom so he could lay down and nap.

Me and Gareth had been together for a long time. It was the last day of school, and we walked out the doors, and we saw Eddie standing next to his van, pacing back and forth. I ran up to Eddie.
"Hey Eds.. you okay?" I asked as he bit his nails.
E: "Nah man. Pretty damn far from okay."
"Whats wrong?"
E: "I failed my classes.. I'm going to get held back, AND be a super senior!" He yelled.
I grabbed him and held him in my arms. I looked at Gareth who looked a little upset.
"Eddie, calm down. It's okay! You're okay! You've been dealing with a lot, love. You will be fine Eddie, I promise." I kept assuring him.
Eventually his tears stopped and he let go. He looked a mess.
"Why don't you swing by my place? We're about to finish the bus.. Maybe tomorrow we can take a trip to the lake?" I asked Eddie.
E: "I'd love too, sweetheart." He replied.
We went separate ways and Gareth followed me home. I got out of my car, and he got out of his, slamming the door.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
G: "What do you mean! You we're totally flirting with him. This trip tomorrow was supposed to be fun, and now it wont with Eddie being depressed."
I looked at the ground and stared at my feet.

1085 words

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