First Day

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I woke up groggy, but knew I didn't have time to dick around.

I wasn't sure that I was ready to start a new school. I got dressed in my black skinny jeans, my Metallica band tee and my red flannel. I threw on a few pieces of jewelry and grabbed my black converse before going downstairs. My dad was sitting at the table eating breakfast and reading the paper.

"Hey dad! I'm going to just grab a granola bar and head to school. I want to get there early so I can look around!"

Z: "Sounds good sweetheart, have a good first day. I love you."

"I love you too, dad!"

I drove to school and parked in the parking lot. I grabbed my bag from the passenger side and took out my journal. I always loved journaling, it was a nice release from everything. I wrote about how I felt about the first day and put my journal on the floor. I didn't want to risk someone reading it.. I didn't know these people.

As I walked in the doors I saw Eddie and Mike standing with a few other people. None of them I have seen in my few days of being here.

M: "Hi Y/N! I was wondering when I would see you! Meet my friends!" He exclaimed.

Eddie looked at me and giggled.

M: "This is Dustin, Lucas, Max, Jeff, Gareth, Eddie and Grant!"

"I met Eddie yesterday! But it's nice to meet the rest of you. I'm Y/N."

They all smiled and greeted me. I couldn't help but get lost into Gareth's eyes. He was beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful. But I was new, I couldn't start liking somebody romantically that I didn't even know. It wouldn't be right.

Eddie showed me to all of my classes, and walked me back to my first class.

E: "I'll be roaming the halls all day like usual, but if you need me, i'm sure you can find me."

"Thank you Eddie, I appreciate the help."

I sat down in the back off class, and everyone who walked in continued to eyeball me. I was the new kid, I knew that people would stare. But I didn't like it at all. I didn't want to be some hot topic for them. I looked down at my desk until the bell rang for class to start.

"Welcome in everyone! We have a new student, her name is Y/N." The teacher said as class started. A few people waved to me, which was nice knowing there were a few nice people. After my first period, one of the students in my class came up to me.

C: "Hi Y/N! I'm Chrissy, it's nice to meet you! How is your first day so far?"

"Uh.. It's okay, just soaking it all in."
C: "Do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?"
"Uh yeah, I actually do!"
C: "Okay, well if plans fall through you can sit with me!"
She seemed really nice but she was a cheerleader.. so I wanted to play it on the safe side.
Lunch finally rolled around and I jumped in line to get a lunch. Mike and Dustin came in behind me, and we all started talking. We went through the line and grabbed our lunches and I followed them to the table. The open seat was in between Gareth and Eddie, so that's where I sat. They all started talking amongst themselves, and Eddie looked at me.
E: "So sweetheart. Tell us about yourself."
I at that moment had no idea what to say.
"Well.. I play D&D, I like Metallica and Dio, I moved here with my dad, I play the electric and acoustic guit-"
G: "Wait you do? You play guitar?" Gareth said cutting me off.
"Yeah! I learned as a little kid how to play. I can also play a little bit of Ukulele and the Banjo.."
G: "Sorry for cutting you off, continue."
"I used to play soccer when I was younger.. uhm.. i like cars and working on them.. and that's about it."
E: "Well, sounds like you'll fit right in."
Everyone else told me a little about them, and then lunch ended. I started walking to my 5th period and Eddie ran up behind me.
E: "If you're free tonight, swing by my place. I'd love to shred my guitar with you."
"Maybe! I'll check with my dad."
Eddie gave me a number to call and his address. I knew my dad probably wouldn't give a shit.
School ended and I drove home. I walked inside and my dad was just getting dressed for what looked like an interview.
Z: "Hey hun! How was your first day?"
"It was really good actually! Made a lot of new friends.. speaking of which. Can I hangout with one of them tonight? His names Eddie."
Z: "That'll be fine. I'm having dinner with some of the other parents tonight, so I wont be home. Here's some cash, knock yourself out."
My dad finished getting ready and walked out the door. I called Eddie and he answered almost right away. He said Gareth and Dustin we're over, and I offered to buy them dinner. I drove to the pizza shop and ordered 2 large pizzas and 2 two liters of soda. Hopefully that was enough. The place was giving out 2 free orders of breadsticks with any purchase, so this should be more than enough. I got to Eddie's trailer and was trying to carry everything inside. I look over and see Dustin peeking from the curtains, and quickly shutting them once I turned around. Then, Dustin came running out the door to my rescue and helped me carry everything in.
We all started eating, and then they all wanted to see what I was capable of playing. I played a little bit of Mega Death and their mouths dropped to the floor, especially Gareth. I just couldn't get Gareth out of my head.. I don't know why I couldn't. But I didn't mind it either.

1021 words

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