Please Go

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Claudia looked at me as I walked by into the kitchen to call Eddie.
"Hey Eddie. Tomorrow can you help me take my seats to Alan's Lot? Can I use your van?" I asked as he answered. We talked for a few months and I hung up.
C: "Was that Eddie Munson?" She asked me.
C: "He's good friends with my son. He's a great guy."
"Yeah, he is."
C: "Is he your boyfriend? I think you two would be a great co-"
"No. He's not." I cut her off.
I think my dad could sense my anger. Why was she trying to know everything about me? She's not MY fucking mother. I walked outside and smoked another cigarette. I finished my smoke and went back inside. My mood was ruined. I took a steaming hot shower, and got dressed. I had nothing to do besides a few assignments. I finished the assignments and laid on my floor while I listened to my Metallica record.

I walked into school and saw the gang. Dustin came running up to me.
D: "Y/N.. I am so sorry about my mom."
"Not your fault."
D: "Are you mad at me?"
My heart broke. Of course not.
"No, i'm not mad at you Dustin. Just mad at your mom."
D: "I'm really sorry.."
I gave him a hug and looked around for Gareth. Gareth jogged over to me a few minutes later, and I told him everything else about what happened. He told me my feelings we're valid and it was okay. Everything was going to be okay. I went to first period and the morning announcements came across the intercom. They mentioned a school dance. Gross. I mean, not gross but all the dancing and grinding on each other was gross. But I was also curious to if Gareth would ask me. It would be my first dance.
Classes went by and I got to my fourth period class. We needed partners for a reading project. I looked over and saw Max sitting by herself. Me and her weren't close, but she was good friends with the younger ones.
"Want to be partners?" i asked her.
She agreed and we started our project. It was a short book, maybe only 50 pages. I gave her our number so she could call me and we could work on it outside of school.
Lunch was finally here, and I ran to the cafeteria. I was starving.
I sat down next to Gareth and started eating. I looked up and saw Eddie with a shit eating grin.
"What, freak?" I asked with my mouth half full.
E: "Oh nothing. You're just manhandling that burger like you haven't ate for 10 years."
"I haven't, I've been starved" I replied as I threw a fry at him.
School ended, and I was ready to go home. I started taking Mike home after school since he was my neighbor. The traffic was a lot worse than usual. We finally made it down the street and noticed there was crime scene tape EVERYWHERE. I briefly looked and saw a body.
"Mike. Just look forward okay."
I didn't want Mike seeing what I saw. It looked terrible.
M: "What was it?" He asked.
I waited until I could no longer see the body.
"There was a body.. on the side of the street."
Mike tried to turn around but we were far passed it, I knew he wouldn't see anything.
I dropped Mike off at his mailbox and pulled into my driveway. My dad was just walking out.
Z: "I love you."
"I love you too."
I wasn't mad at my dad. Mainly just Claudia.
I walked into the kitchen and saw a gift bag with a card. It was from Claudia.
I opened the card and read what it said.
"I am very sorry for my actions. I was just to get to know you better. Your dad absolutely adores you, and had said how you are his greatest accomplishment. I know gifts don't take away my actions, but your dad mentioned a few thing about you, and this stuff reminded me of you."
I put the card down and looked in the bag. There was some bubble bath, a new lipstick, 2 vinyls I did not have, and a few pins. On the bottom was another jean vest and a chocolate bar. It was a sweet gesture.
My dad had phone numbers on the fridge, and I found the Henderson's. I called it and luckily Claudia answered.
C: "Hello, this is Claudia."
"Hey.. Thank you for the gifts and card. I really appreciate it. I knew you were just trying to be nice."
We had s little conversation and I hung up. I walked over to the table and there was a knock on the front door. When I opened it Gareth was holding a poster board with a small bouquet of flowers. HE WAS ASKING ME TO THE DANCE!
I gave him a big hug and a huge kiss on the lips. I brought him inside and showed him what Dustin's mom got me. We sat down on the couch and he put his hand on my thigh. FUCK. I was immediately turned on.
"How do you feel about people who have sex on the night of dances? Is that normal?"
G: "Jesus. Straight forward are we? I guess it's pretty normal."
"That's what I thought too."
It was way too soon into our relationship. For fucks sake I just moved here.
G: "You know. This relationship can go as fast or as slow as you want it to. Balls in your court."
I looked up and smiled.
"I just don't want to make you feel rushed."
G: "Babe. I want you happy. I think it would be great to be high school sweethearts."
He was absolutely right. It would be. But I didn't want to ruin what we just started. However, I knew I had the house to myself.

1006 words

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